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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Sujet: A skin question

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Ok, so I'm attempting to hack and bash one of formats skins for my own purposes and keep coming up with various things that I cannot get to work properly and cannot find any documentation for on this website anywhere!

So I'm just muddling through using the xml content of other skins and the midi control config to try and work out the various commands, however I'm now stuck on one that I cannot figure out.

I'm displaying multiple effect slots on the skin for each deck, and I can get them to load properly and activate properly, however what I cannot seem to do is to get the effect sliders for each slot working independently. So when I'm changing the 1st parameter for the effect in slot 1, the effect in slot 2's 1st parameter is changing as well.

Is there a way to isolate these controls?

Any guidance would be appreciated.


Posté Wed 03 Dec 08 @ 2:37 pm
hola alguien me puede ayudar nesesito un skins que me lo agan lo describo lo ocupo que tenga los numeros de conteo y los bpm muy grandes a y los nombres de las cansiones tambien porfa se los agradeseria mucho grasias de ante mano ............saludos

titonit wrote :
hola alguien me puede ayudar nesesito un skins que me lo agan lo describo lo ocupo que tenga los numeros de conteo y los bpm muy grandes a y los nombres de las cansiones tambien porfa se los agradeseria mucho grasias de ante mano ............saludos

Please use english in this section, or ask you question in the spanish forum, thank you.

Por favor, use Inglés en esta sección, o le pregunta en el foro español, gracias.

how do i put skin in virtual dj

HEJ MAX ajde se ti prebaci na balkanski forum pomoci cu ti ja oko svega sta trebas....SORY 4 the language just redirecting him to the bakan forum..

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