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Sujet DENON Hardware Products (Setup, Solutions, Fixes, Issues, etc.) - Page: 41

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djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
The first thing you need to do is to optimize your computer for better performance.
Even though your computer appears to have good enough specs, you still need to go through there.
A Tool is also available but only works for specific Windows versions ..

After the above steps, if the crackles in sound are still present, try to set the ASIO latency (buffer) to a higher value (from denon's ASIo driver Utility).
In VirtualDJ, you need to have Latency in Auto (Config-->Performance tab) and see if enabled the Ultra Latency setting from Config-->Sound Setup helps at any way.

Have in mind that several users have reported that the ASIO driver of denon was not working well for them at all cases, so you might need to use the WDM drivers instead (choose 4.1 instead of ASIO in the Sound Setup)

Posté Sun 28 Jul 13 @ 1:54 am
denon DJ wrote :

VDJ 7.4 (Win) + SC2900 v1100 = No problem
VDJ 7.4 (Mac) + SC2900 v1100 = There is a known USB Audio problem, VDJ & denon DJ teams are working on it.

New features (integrating with all new update version of Engine music management software) plus legacy function optimizations & fixes.

Select your model and download.
denondj/Products/Pages/ProductListing.aspx?CatId=MediaPlayers" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

Please Note: Mac does work with the SC models using an external audio device

Anything about a fix for this problem (MAC known USB Audio problem)?!
Would be nice ;o)


Posté Sat 24 Aug 13 @ 2:31 am
hey cstoll is there a firmware for denon hd 2500 on w7 ultimate.
or maybe just whatever last firmware as ive got new laptop and need firmware cheers

Posté Mon 26 Aug 13 @ 3:19 pm
If you want firmware for a denon product, then you need to get it from the denon website (which requires you to register the serial number of the product).

Posté Mon 26 Aug 13 @ 3:41 pm
You shouldn't need to update the firmware in the unit itself.

It should be plug & play with VDJ so you won't need to do anything.


Posté Mon 26 Aug 13 @ 3:47 pm
New Update, hope it will work:

New & Current Plug In’s as of September 2013 (Sys 1110)
• Improved ring LEDs that didn’t work by MIDI command in MIDI mode.
• Improved particular MP3 files that didn’t play properly.
• Improved the function of first letter search when using database search.
• Improved problem that the sound becomes silent when playing network audio file.
• Improved problem that the cue point is moved after a particular operation.
• Improved other minor bugs.

Hope I can give this a try tomorrow..Or anybody on board who did the upgrade?

Posté Fri 11 Oct 13 @ 4:33 pm

I love the way denon always say "improved" instead of "fixed" or "repaired", as if they haven't actually solved the issue, just made it slightly better...

Posté Fri 11 Oct 13 @ 7:15 pm
Yeah, only the best are able to improve minor bugs ;o)

Posté Sat 12 Oct 13 @ 5:25 am
HVDJPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Hey guys. I have an issue with my denon hc 4500 and I'm not sure what to do.

My music will randomly stop and I can't pinpoint the cause. It has happened about 7 times in the past month. I thought I solved it by installing the 2.22 asio driver but it happened again today.

Program let me drag in new songs but when hitting play nothing happened. Controller was frozen and did not recongnize the new song dragged in.

Had to restart the controller and program and replug in USB for it to work.

I can't go to event with knowing my program can freeze at any moment. Can someone please help me solve this.

Posté Tue 05 Nov 13 @ 12:46 am
Do you have the latest firmware installed? Units with very old firmware would freeze after a period of time due to a firmware bug. Please contact denon support to obtain the latest firmware:" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

Are you using Windows Vista? If so, then this operating system has a well known bug in it's MIDI implementation that will cause MIDI devices to freeze if too many MIDI messages are sent in one go (E.g: Excessive scratching.) The HC4500 has a work around for this (See HC4500), but upgrading to Windows 7 or downgrading to XP would be strongly recommended. This will give considerably better system performance overall because Vista is a very bloated and slow operating system.

Try also using a different MIDI cable. If your computer has USB 3.0 ports, try using a USB 2.0 port (If available) or a powered USB 2.0 hub. Due to backward compatibility issues with most USB 3.0 chipsets, some controllers designed for USB 2.0 or 1.x may not work reliably when plugged into a USB 3.0 port.

Posté Tue 05 Nov 13 @ 5:48 am
HVDJPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thank you for your suggestions.

I am using windows 7 and a USB 2.0 hub.

Someone suggested that perhaps my USB ports are going to sleep or becoming inactive, and this is actually a very good explanation of what happens.

I unchecked "allow this computer to turn off this device to save power" in my device manager for all of my USB ports.

Under Power Options, Advanced Settings I disabled "USB selective suspend settings".

How does that sound? Is it bad that I did this?

Posté Tue 05 Nov 13 @ 9:43 am
No, this is not a bad thing to do.

For DJ use, you should ideally disable any power saving features (Intended to save battery life for typical home/office users) because these can cause performance issues and other problems should a USB port be put into power saving mode when it's still actually in use.

Please see the following page for more tips for optimising your computer for DJ performance:

Posté Tue 05 Nov 13 @ 10:13 am
szeppieriPRO InfinityDenonMember since 2005
groovindj wrote :

I love the way denon always say "improved" instead of "fixed" or "repaired", as if they haven't actually solved the issue, just made it slightly better...

Japanese to English translation:
Improved means Fixed

Posté Sat 30 Nov 13 @ 1:10 pm
szeppieriPRO InfinityDenonMember since 2005
thesleeper wrote :
DN-mc6000 MIDI reset

The problem was solved after I pressed and held the Shift & Browse buttons for 5 seconds.

That's actually an advanced feature.
The mc6000 has 16 MIDI Channels, 4 are used for 4 deck control.
That means if VDJ had a Skin with 16 Decks, you could technically can control all of them by switching MIDI channels in real time.

You inadvertently switched it to MIDI channels that are not being used by VDJ.

Posté Sat 30 Nov 13 @ 1:18 pm
denon DJ wrote :
Japanese to English translation:
Improved means Fixed

Can you not feed back to the Japanese team that "improved" is the wrong word?

Can the English speaking denon team not change the word to "fixed" before publication?

Surely it's not that difficult to use the right word.


Posté Sat 30 Nov 13 @ 1:37 pm
DJSoulman wrote :
DJSoulman wrote :
My denon mc6000 screwed up in the middle of my nightclub gig last night :(

One of the faders seems to have a dodgy connection with the motherboard. Couldn't get any sound in the right player and had to use my backup iPod that is always running, rebooted the computer from scratch twice and still had the same problem. Had to use the left player in auto playlist mode for the last hour. When I got home I checked everything. I was using PC mix so I switched to Int mix to work with audio, same problem. Just sliding channel 3 fader up and down caused the onscreen fader in VirtualDJ to erratically rise and fall uncontrollably when in MIDI mode. When in audio mode the sound was doing exactly the same.

It's been arranged for its return for repairs under warranty, but, I have tonights gig and next weekends 2 gigs to do with it and I don't have any alternative backup. I usually only use 3 channels, 2 & 3 for the players and 4 for the iPod. I have reconfigured to use 1 & 4 channels for decks 3 & 4 and put the iPod on channel 2 so as not to use the faulty fader on channel 3. I could probably have done this last night, but, in the heat of battle with a full nightclub and a busy dancefloor and not sure exactly what the problem was, did the best I could think of at the time. Last resort the iPod would have carried me to the end of the night.

Was a bit stressful and no doubt I will be nervous tonight and next weekend. Hope it goes OK.

I DON'T BELIEVE IT! Exactly a year has gone by and this replacement denon mc6000 has done exactly the same at my gig last night. Same channel 3 fader too! Seems to be a common fault.

Have kept my VCI-100 as a backup, pleased I did.

Another irate phone call to be made tomorrow, just glad I took out the 3 year extended warranty. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr..........

Now this is getting ridiculous!!!

My denon mc6000 has developed exactly the same fault in my Christmas Party gig with a full dance floor last night!!! The same fader 3 that was repaired in February has gone again. The other 3 faders are fine, it's just channel 3 fader, this is the third time this has happened.

What bad timing, I'm in the middle of a run of a dozen Christmas Parties. Luckily it's still under the extended warranty, another irate phone call in the morning.

Posté Wed 11 Dec 13 @ 9:04 pm
Spoken to the powers that be this morning. Outcome is I will reprogram the faders to see me through Xmas & New Year. Then in January will return it for repair (still under extended warranty), they ordered the part online during my phone call.

The info I got was that this is a weakness in the build of the unit. The fader has pins either end for connection and it's these pins that break eventually. The odd thing is that there are 4 faders on this unit and it's only channel 3 that breaks every time. The others are the original faders from new.

After the repair I think it may go up for sale and move on to something new, but what??? DJ buddy of mine suggests Allen & Heath.

Posté Thu 12 Dec 13 @ 6:22 am
A&H is certainly damn good, but they primarily make mixers. The only product similar to the mc6000 they made was the Xone DX but that's not a current product.

I guess you could get a Xone:4D but that'd be your only A&H option.

If you don't actually need an all-in-one product then you could pair any of their mixers with either their K2 controllers or something similar from another company.

I use a Xone:92 and have never had to change or replace anything.

Posté Thu 12 Dec 13 @ 6:43 am
Don't get me wrong, I love the mc6000, it's exactly what I need. I still have my old Vestax VCI-100 which can come in handy as a backup, but, there's no mic channel or sound card. It was fine when I used PCs a few years ago with 4 USB connections, but, for the last 3 years I've been using a boot camped Macbook Pro which only has 2 USB connections. I know I could use a powered hub, but, thats adding to the bits of kit to carry and wire up. So, yes I feel I do need an all-in-one product, I like the fact that my setup is completely self-contained in a flight case and I don't need to rely on a club mixer for mic and club CD players for backup. I use an iPod running in the background on channel 4 of the mc6000, any computer problems then I just push up the iPod fader.

I said to the guy that after the repair I suspect it will go again in 10-12 months which means it will be out of extended warranty by then. He said ti would not be an expensive repair. I'm now thinking of moving on to something else that can do the same job, just not familiar with the latest kit on the market.


Posté Thu 12 Dec 13 @ 7:25 am
Using the 6000 MkII as a reference, I think there will be a lull in high end controllers targetted at VDJ simply because of the V8 waiting game.

Once there is a version that can be released to hardware manufacturers they can start work on the next generation of controllers. That's the way it works IMO. You never know, that version may already be out there and deals might already be in place.

However you're in a catch 22 situation: Hope your existing 6000 holds out, or move to something sooner than any VDJ8 targetted controllers become available.

That said, a couple of buddies of mine are using the NS6 right now and love it. Has mic input but at the cost of a channel. Plus it's huge in comparison.

Maybe the original 6000 will drop in price now when the MkII hits the streets. Then it maybe be better to pick up a second 6000 and use the original one as back up or for spares!



Posté Thu 12 Dec 13 @ 8:01 am