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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: VDJ Pro / DDJ Wego Audio Config Issues

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Hi all,

I hope that someone can help, but i have just tried to use my DDJ Wego with Virtual Dj Pro and a pop up explained that the Audio set up was wrong, and I cant use the Wego because of this.

I have looked at various websites including pioneer, and from what I can see the Audio should be set up as:

Advanced Config:

Master > Built In > Output 1 & 2
Headphones > Pioneer Aisos > Output 3 & 4

For some reason, I do not get the Aisos option in the 2nd line. Only the options to chose from the Wego, could this be the problem?

It's really frustrating as i cant use the Wego properly at the moment, so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Ross.

Posté Fri 15 Mar 13 @ 2:48 am
Sorry to tell you ASIo is not possible on Mac OSX side.

It is called core audio there ;-)

When i look to your config i would say the Adavanced config isn#t needed.
I would advice you to setup your VDJ Pro Full that way.

Inputs: MIC
Ouputs: Headphones (Master: Chan 1&2 / Headphones: Chan 3&4)
Sound card (Mac): 4-out card - Pioneer DDJ WEGO (from the drop-down menu)

Haha, that'll be why then.

Will give that a try, thanks.


hasnt worked unfortunately, and has turned off the sound on the mac.


Yes, the WEGO has great dj soundcard buildin!
The WEGO soundcard is much better then teh Mac buildin soundcard which one is good for iTunes but not more!

Connect the WEGO soundcard output with your speakers and you will have no more problems.

Hi all,

Sorry, still having no luck with this and still not using the Wego or software because of it. Can anyone else help?

Thanks, Ross.

Goto Applications-->Utilities-->Audio Midi Setup
Make the built in sound of your computer as the Default Sound Device.
Select the WEGO and choose Configure Speakers. From the Multi-Channel tab, choose to set to Quadrophonic mode (4 speakers) and click Apply.

Open VirtualDJ and have in CONFIG-->Sound Setup...

Inputs None
Outputs ->Headphones (Master 1,2 /Headphones 3,4)
Sound card --->4 out and select the WeGo from the list on the right side.

Connect speakers to the Master output of WeGo and your headphones to the socket of the device.


Theres something i dont understand.....

In my CONFIG in virtualDJ i cant find the PIONEER DDJ Wego output???

Can anybody help....

Im a mac user

Thx in advance

I am attempting to set up a DDJWego on a Mac to play over the computer speakers and headphones. The problem is that no configuration will remain applied. According to this pioneer video (0:47) I understand the proper configuration to be: set the Output/Single Outputs, the sound card to Simple/Built in Output, hit Apply and Ok. But when you go back to Config the settings have reverted to back to Outputs/Headphones/Master: Chan 1/2, Headphones Chan 3/4. I can't get any settings to change. What am I doing wrong?

The WeGo has its own built-in sound card and the correct configuration is Outputs: Headphones (Otherwise you won't be able to pre-listen.) - Please see

VirtualDJ LE is limited software that's designed to work with the sound card built into the WeGo and does not support any other sound configurations outside of the 20 day full Pro trial. You will need to connect a pair of amplified stereo speakers to to the master outputs on the back of the WeGo. Alternatively, see

NOTE: You can upgrade from VirtualDJ LE to the full VirtualDJ Pro at a discount:

Hello guys, I bought last weekend The Pioneer WeGo controller, but I am having problems to run it with Virtual Dj Pro Full. I have installed the VDj PRO since 2011 on my Mac, and it used to work perfectly with almost any MIDI controller such as Denon DNS 1200. I tough it will work exactly the same way with WeGo, but it does not. I configured the settings as indicated in the User’s Guide included with the WeGo and The VDj Pro only recognized the controller as an audio card, but the other functions and buttons on the controller are all disabled.

I tough the problem could be fixed installing the LE included with the controller in order to update drivers, so, I decided to install it. Now the WeGo controller works perfectly on the LE but all video and wave functions are disabled as it is supposed with this edition. The bottom line is when I try again my VDj PRO edition, the WeGo skin has been established, but the functions and buttons of the controller are still disabled, including some video and wave settings.

Can anybody in the forum advice me regarding the issues I am facing, considering the fact I am already a VDj PRO user. Thank you in advance.

This is probably because you are running an out-of-date version of VirtualDJ Pro that doesn't support the WeGo (Especially if it has not been updated since 2011.)

Please register your Pro serial number to your account and then download the latest version from the Download Center:

If you have not purchased VirtualDJ Pro then please support the software and its future development by purchasing it: (Especially if you are working DJ and are making money as a result of using it at your gigs.)

Your VirtualDJ LE serial number for the WeGo should entitle you to a discount off the cost of upgrading (Providing that it's not second hand and has not already been used.)

hi to all pioneers user.
any one can help me?
i have ddj wego, then i used to download the virtual dj on my mac pc.
then i bought mac pro, why i can`t download a virtual dj on it?


Hi there,

I installed my Wego and want to have the sound on my home cinema set.
I connected the wego and my home cinema set with a tulp cable, but I only hear the sound trough my headphones.

I think something need to be changed in the settings, but when I press on config the program says that my 20-trial days are already used.

Have anyone tips what I got to do?

A question you happen to know if the DDJ-WEGO2 driver supports Virtual DJ Pro 7 or can tell me how you configurom since the VirtualDJ LE only let me use with limitations and can only use the Pro version for 20 days nothing else.

I have intalled virtual dj 8 with wego2, I have both licenses. With virtualdj 7.4 pro no problem, but with VDJ8 the is no PIONNEER DDJ_WEGO2 at config/audio setting/card (at virtual dj I had 4 cards option). At the pdf manual, there is the PIONNEER DDJ_WEGO2 option at tab CARD. But not in mime. I use MAc

Controls routinely die after 2-3 songs on my Wego2 using licensed Virtual DJ8 LE. Running it on a 2012 Mac mini with 16 Gb Ram. Have absolutely no issues running it with djay 2 on my iphone. Ive made all the required software and firmware updates and this issue still persists. Any ideas on how this could be resolved?

is it that pioneer ddj wego3 can only be used with virtual dj 8 ? are there any drivers so that I can use it with virtual dj 7 pro?
any help please?

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