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Sujet: I need help with Virtual DJ database - Page: 2

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My computer crashed and I can't access the crashguard, it was saved on a backup disk, but it keeps saying that it has the wrong serial number. I have already sent several e-mails and gotten no response, my e-mail is, [--@--.--] throw me a friggin bone here please!?!?!?!=\

Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry chraverboi no email address is allowed from a demo user

I AM NOT A DEMO USER, I even have my receipt!!! You guys just e-mailed me the wrong serial number!!!!!!>=-|

Please use your registred login schanson

Here's the naming scheme I use. Artist (album title) - song title year.mp3
I'm certainly not "crying down" features.

It has taken me a very long time to encode my entire archives of CD's. I don't want to be running any program that will make ANY changes at any of these files.
I'm happy with the way VirtualDJ sees my and stores my file names. You can already in fact choose to use id3 tags. There are other forum threads that discuss this.


the things I ask for will not do any thing to your mp3,it's just puting the info in the right places,all djs know album/genre/year are very good info and you know it too!

NEED HELP!!! Why won't VirtualDJ recognise any of my music files from Windows media player? It plays only two songs that I had gotten on kazaa, but I recently removed kazaa from my computer, how do I access the files?

If you don't have it, install Windows Media Player 9. This could solve your problem.

Installed WMP9, still no music? They show up in the files on the folder screen, but don't register when I try to load them to decks? This is driving me N-sane!!!

Be sure your .wma are encoded higher that 64 kbs, or convert it in .mp3


All settings correct, still no songs, could it be cuz of this MUSICMATCH jukebox I have on my computer also?
[Also tried converting with the jukebox...]

Not the jukebox, SOMEONE PLEASE SAVE ME!!!!!!!

I posted my message three days ago and am still waiting for a repsponse. I was a dedicated VDJ supporter when I had the trial version, but now after purchasing the full version, I feel like I have paid alot of money for SHIT!!!!!!! I expect either some help as soon as possible, or a full refund! I know you have my e-mail, please respond.....

well considering you posted your question halfway through someone elses post its easilly gonna be missed!

anyway what are the files encoded?

schanson: Please create a new topic or write to

This may have been answered here already, but i couldn't understand half the stuff going on, so i'll ask my question and hope i get a simple answer (please!)...

I've got all my tunes analysed etc on my desktop.
I've networked a laptop to my desktop.
How can I get all the analysed data over to the laptop so it shows in vDJ there, without having to analyse everything again?


First, go to your virtualDJ folder. Fine the file named "virtualDJ Internal Database". Copy it into the virtualDJ folder on the other computer.
That's it.

Too easy.

About changing MP3 tags or changing the internal database.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could CHOOSE the way VDJ handles bpms/gain etc?

It seems that some of us want VDJ to keep track of bpms by changing the MP3-tag, and some of us want VDJ to keep an internal database.

Why not make an option to choose, so everyone is happy.

Hey ALL,
I have found this to work best. I have found that none of the mixing software companies can auto-BPM the tracks correctly 100% of the time. I use other software or websites to find the BPM.
So here is what i do....I rename all my tracks with the BPM at the end. for example...
OutKast - Hey Ya! (159).wav

That way the info is tagged to the track no matter what software i use...and it will always be correct. Just update it in the database of the software you use...Anyway, I am fairly new at being DJ, but with the correct BPMs i can mix like a PRO. Also, with correct BPM set, loops work on beat...Awesome !!!


Good Suggestion for new ripps, still wish the bpm calculator was better.
Still couldn't be happier with the program though beside that.
