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Sujet: Custom Key Mapping

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Hi I have mapped a key to reduce the master volume by 80% for ducking / talkover. This works fine for me but to try to improve it could some advise if it is possible to add a value into the 'string' below to actually turn the Mic button on the player ON as well,

So to clarify, at the moment I have:

master_volume -80% while_pressed

(So basically when I press and hold down the M key the master volume reduces by 80%).

But before I do this, I have to click the 'Mic' button on the player to ON (I'm using VirtualDJ 2 Decks 1600x900) then do the talkover and then turn the Mic OFF by clicking the button on the player again.

My logical mind ! tells me that it would be much simpler to do all this with a single key press - trouble is I don't know how or what I need to add to the 'string' above to do this or if it even can be done?

Anyone have an idea on this?

Many thanks Paul

Posté Wed 05 Jun 13 @ 6:11 pm
this should do it. I think if you set the master volume -80% you will end up with the volume at 20% if it was 100% when you pressed the button, as when using 'minus' or 'plus' you are changing the value by a relative amount. Also not really sure if the mic will go down when you lower the master. if that is the case try the second script.

master_volume 80% while_pressed & mic on while_pressed

master_volume 80% while_pressed & mic on while_pressed & mic_volume 100% while_pressed

for your reference if you want to combine actions to make a macro you can simply add new commands with '&'

The MIC button in the 2 Decks Default skin should be in the MIXER center panel and not in any Player/Deck.
Just a side note... having Master Volume reduced, you also reduce the volume of the MIC as well. I would advise to have deck 1 volume 20% while_pressed & deck 2 volume 20% while_pressed ... or similar instead of master_volume, unless you use the AUX buttons to input the MIC to a deck.

that's what I was thinking... I just tried it... your original way was better

deck left volume -40% while_pressed & deck right volume -40% while_pressed & mic on while_pressed


Hi Guys many many thanks for the replies and advise - I will have a play around with the suggestions and see what works best for me - thanks for the tip on the "&" as well !

Im using a Pioneer Ergo as a controller at the moment and the mic is in the Aux input of that - so not sure if that makes any difference or not but the way I had it originally (in my initial post) did actually work ok e.g the master volume went down but the mic volume stayed up

Thanks again for the replies


djdad wrote :
The MIC button in the 2 Decks Default skin should be in the MIXER center panel and not in any Player/Deck.
Just a side note... having Master Volume reduced, you also reduce the volume of the MIC as well. I would advise to have deck 1 volume 20% while_pressed & deck 2 volume 20% while_pressed ... or similar instead of master_volume, unless you use the AUX buttons to input the MIC to a deck.

Sorry, obviously the mic button is in the mixer panel, my bad way of explaining it in my post !

Just an update it works perfectly - thanks again guys

oh I used...

deck left volume -40% while_pressed & deck right volume -40% while_pressed & mic on while_pressed

Thanks again !

Doesn't that sound rather artificial with the music volume suddenly dropping and popping back up?

Why not just have your hand on the relevant fader and ride it manually as you speak? I'd have thought it would sound more natural.

Bumping topic.

I am trying to make a mic talkover button that works on channel 3 so I can use effects as well. In order to do the 50% fade I have to use the holding command as while_pressed is no good. However I have hit a snag. I need to only have it effect decks 1 2 and 4 and leave deck 3 alone. Sounds easy but it isn't (for me). Can one of you gurus take a look at my mapping and see if you can get it to work on decks 1, 2 and 4 only? I tried pasting another deck command like the first deck either side of the down : up but it breaks the mapping.

down ? deck 3 effect 'floorfish' active on & deck 3 effect 'blockfish' active on & deck 3 gain_slider +0.5 & deck 3 linein 'mic' & holding & deck 3 eq_high 100% & deck 3 eq_mid 75% & deck 3 eq_low 75% & deck 1 volume 100% ? deck 1 volume 50% : deck 1 volume 0% : deck 3 linein 'mic' off & mic off & deck 3 eq_high 50% & deck 3 eq_mid 50% & deck 3 eq_low 50% & deck 3 gain_slider -0.5 & deck 1 volume 50% ? deck 1 volume 100% : deck 1 volume 0%

As I said deck 1 fader works as expected but if I add a second deck it does not work correctly.

Hey guys I just got a numark mixtrack pro II and there's already four effects that come mapped into it. Only problem is that two of them I don't really like for my style of djing. Is there anyone out there who can give me a hand remapping them? I'm having all kinds o trouble.

groovindj wrote :
Doesn't that sound rather artificial with the music volume suddenly dropping and popping back up?

Why not just have your hand on the relevant fader and ride it manually as you speak? I'd have thought it would sound more natural.

Actually I agree with you somewhat on that - but it works for me . I don't actually talk a lot as I prefer more music less chat type of dj'ing and also it depends on when you drop the volume in the track, what I found is if you try not to drop it on an upbeat you don't notice the "sudden" loss of volume.

Yes - I would much prefer it to fade down but as far as I am aware that can't be done through mapping or can it?...

OK I have managed to find a way to do it with 2 decks (which is all I need for now) when using deck 3 for your mic (so you can put effects on your mic).

It works like this.

down ? deck 1 volume 100% ? deck 1 volume 50% & deck 2 volume 100% ? deck 2 volume 50% : do nothing : deck 2 volume 100% ? deck 2 volume 50% : do nothing : deck 1 volume 50% ? deck 1 volume 100% & deck 2 volume 50% ? deck 2 volume 100% : do nothing : deck 2 volume 50% ? deck 2 volume 100% : do nothing

This will allow you to also talkover mixing between two decks whilst using mic effects.

Hello, I know how to do this, however can you have only the slider volumes go to -15 to -18ish% just by pressing the mic on in virtual dj, instead of having to press a key like "M" like just have the sliders go lower auto. after pressing the mic to on in virtual dj 8?


pressing the button on the skin?

open the skin xml, find the action for the button and add the script in there.

Please keep in mind that is is the V7 Technical Support forum :-)

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