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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: search doesnt work right why

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ok I had a long message and explorer crashed

but I like to know why the search cant search 2 separate words it needs exact words?

if song name is "is it love (feat pitbull)"

you can not search is as "is it pitbull" or "love pitbull" it can not find it has to be exactly "is it love" and it finds it so that's a pain is there a way to fix it like a windows search, also I did the recurse and the bpm scan and day and half it crashed from scanning bpms but doing the search say 128 for bpms it can not find them at all cant find any bpms and its checked to search for it also cant find all the songs in search after the recurse either

does it need to re run or how do I fix the search to search for any word

Posté Tue 25 Jun 13 @ 7:56 pm
also did the option add to db and only adds some but still cant find bpms you can type in any numbers and it seems to pick off words that aren't in the search or have numbers in it

do I need to erase the database and try again?

comet424 wrote :
why the search cant search 2 separate words

You must be running an old version. VDJ has been able to do what you describe since 7.3 (Nov 2012).

As above, partial keyword searching in any order is only supported in VirtualDJ v7.3 and later. If you are using an older version than this (E.g: VirtaulDJ LE 7.0.5) then you can search using wildcards but they will be matched in the exact order your specify, e.g: *love*pitbull* would match "is it love (feat pitbull)" but *pitbull*love* would not.

You can upgrade to the latest full VirtualDJ Professional v7.4 at a discount by going to

To search by BPM you will need to first enable this field in the search options (See the VirtualDJ user manual for details) and then type a range in the search box, e.g: 128-129

Make sure that add all your music to your VirtualDJ database otherwise it will not be found when searching. You should also pre-analyse it to ensure that BPM, gain, etc. is set. Please see our FAQ pages:

I know this thread is a little old, but my question is the exact opposite of the original poster's.

I work at a club that has been using an older version of VDJ 7 Pro (no internet connection, so the version of VDJ7 Pro was what was originally loaded on the PC a few years ago). I recently replaced the old PC and loaded the latest version of VDJ Pro 7 on it.

The thing is, I actually prefer the old way the search engine functioned. Instead of having to type everything out, I could very quickly narrow the search to whatever I was looking for easily by typing shortcut combinations of letters in the title of a song (or name of the artist) that aren't common.

For example, if I wanted to pull up everything by Ariana Grande I would just type in 'na gr' (last 2 letters of ariaNA, space, first 2 letters of GRande).

Or if I wanted to pull up Mony Mony by Billy Idol, in the old search engine, typing 'ny mo' (last and first 2 letters of the first and 2nd words "moNY MOny") immediately narrowed it down.

With the current search engine, it pulls up ANYTHING with either 'ny' OR 'mo' in the title or artist listings (or filename, or whatever else I'm searching by). This pulls up 100's of songs.

Is there a way to change the search engine back to functioning like the old style search where it would narrow the results down to only songs containing the exact sequence of letters as typed?



Put your search into " " and it will only show results with the exact occurrence of the letters.

I'm puzzled. Rather than typing five characters (ny space mo) why not just type mony (only four characters)? I would imagine that's still unique enough to show the required track.

Same with your other example. 'na gr' is five characters. You could type arian, riana or rande instead and pull up the results.

PachN, thanks for the tip about using " ". I thought I'd tried that but apparently not.

Groovindj, those were just examples that came to mind, but 'mony' will pull up anything with 'harmony', 'ceremony', etc. and 'rian' pulls up Orianthi, Joe Satriani, anything with the word 'tRIANgle', sibeRIAN', bRIAN, maRIAN...

Granted, I'll have to rethink keystrokes/button presses (vs typing in letters and clicking different sort features) vs the addition of typing the " ".


P.S. BTW, I realized I don't need the 2nd ". Just typing in the 1st " before the character string does the job.

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