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Sujet: 2 GEMINI CDJ-700's and an external mixer?

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Hi guys,

Hoping you can solve this problem for me, I've had VDJ LE for years when I bought a Hercules MK4 but decided to get 2 Gemini CDJ-700's along with a Vestax PMC -280 (non-usb version).

Either I've got my hardware set up wrong or I cant fathom the right settings in config.

I have each CDJ-700 hooked up via USB to my laptop (MSI FX-600, i3, 4gb, win 7 64bg).

I have the phonos from each deck to my mixer as per normal.

No matter what I do in config settings, I cant get the decks working properly in either 2 or 4 channel skins.

Issues include both decks stop/start buttons operating both or other decks in VDJ, only having audio out from one deck via my mixer and various other similar issues.

Have I got the wiring wrong or is it just the setup?

I perhaps should have gone for a USB/MIDI mixer but got the Vestax as it was a good deal.

I've downloaded and installed all the drivers and mappers etc.

I would prefer to use in HID as I'm told this is better for scratching and latency?

...and yes you can scratch with a CDJ-700, nearly as good as a Pioneer CDJ IMO.

Thanks in advance!

Posté Sun 23 Feb 14 @ 10:29 am
VDJ LE will only work with the hardware it came with, you will have to upgrade to PRO to use other gear.

@ianmelville: The above user already has VirtualDJ Pro.

Regarding control of the decks, please ensure each CDJ is assigned to the correct deck in VirtualDJ. With multiple single deck controllers, depending on the order they are detected, they can sometimes end up controlling the opposite decks (Right controls left and vice-versa) or both controlling the same deck. Simply press the EJECT button on one of the players to change its assignment on the fly or go to CONFIG -> Mappers, choose the Gemini CDJ-700 in the drop-down list, click on the button to right of the list and choose the option to assign the controllers.

Make sure that you also connect each deck to your computer and put it into MIDI mode first before starting VirtualDJ. Wait 30 seconds or so after connecting to allow your computer sufficient time to detect both devices.

HID is a more optimal protocol for DJ controllers than MIDI, but it should not make a significant difference on a well designed controller. For decent scratch performance, a high resolution jogwheel (Sends more position updates for each rotation) and low latency ASIO sound card with buffer set as low as possible without getting audio issues is required. Make sure that your computer has been optimised for DJ performance (This may also allow you to set a lower latency without issues.)

my bad did not look at the star raiting only the LE bit in the issue

Yes I also have a question. The Gemini cdj 700's seems to work okay with virtual dj. However, I have had it on Midi and not Hid settings and I noticed every now and then that the songs won't sync together correctly when I hit Lock (Sync). Some times its just barley off but one could still hear it like the kick half a second before the other one. Also, before I enabled use HID settings, say if i were to have one song on 174 bpm and try to sync a 140 bpm to that, it woulden't work. Now it will since I enabled HID. My question is, do you think that it was because I had midi enabled rather than HID that was causing the sync problem sometimes?

Sync relies on the CBG (beat grid) analysis of each track, so if the CBG is off, then the sync will be off.

Best to not rely on using sync, but mix using your ears and adjust live if you hear mis-alignment/drifting.

Sync is also linked to the pitch control range, so if you try to sync two tracks which have widely different BPM then the pitch range will need to be set wide enough to accomodate that difference.

It's generally not advisable to change the tempo of any track too much, because it tends to sound ridiculous. If the tempo needs changing to that extent, best pick another track which is nearer.

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