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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Sujet: VDJ8

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First impressions very good indeed but why is there no way of saving your own settings ?, it's ohhh so annoying that the pitch cannot be locked and I don't understand why. It changes back to factory setting's every time you play a new sound track..... strange !. To be honest that's probably the only thing stopping me using it live.

Posté Mon 26 May 14 @ 5:02 am
in options, set resetPitchOnLoad to no
and set autoBPMMatch to no also

Yo Norway, is there a way to lock the pitch sliders completely? So they do not move, ever?

Not entirely sure what you mean by that... I would guess you want to change pitch of songs to have a beat mix going..

Do you mean solely disable cosmetically, aka not show pitch sliders in skin? Or do you mean some sort of auto mix where the pitch never change?


I don't know why anyone would want to do that. It makes no sense. Unless you have kids around messing with your controller perhaps.

mrgrumpy1 wrote :
Yo Norway, is there a way to lock the pitch sliders completely? So they do not move, ever?

You could completely disable the pitch slider in the controller/keyboard mapping simply by blanking it. Dunno why anyone would want to do that but..............

Thanks DJ Norway, works a treat.

WHILE I'm at it, do we have to refresh our cache in version 8 as I cannot find the button ??

Providing you have an internet connection. You cache is refreshed every time you launch VDJ8.

What if your playing a venue with no internet ??

Providing you connect every 30days (as in version 7) then you will be fine.

Actually VirtualDJ will try to refresh only the files that are about to expire or already expired. In other words, you still need to do exactly what u did with version7, meaning that you should refresh the DRM authorization if you plan to use them offline.

Another useful addition to the software is that now, if yoru computer gets out of Internet for several days, once its connected back, you will probably see a taskbar warning pop-up notifying you that some files are about to expire or already have, and a special sub folder inside the Content Unlimited/Cached one with the files that you need to refresh.

Billbwe wrote :
WHILE I'm at it, do we have to refresh our cache in version 8 as I cannot find the button ??

Go to UnlimitedContent folder, and there to the subfolder "Downloaded content"..

Select all files (ctrl + a) , right click, and choose "Refresh DRM" ;)
After that they are valid for another 30 days (if you are a subscriber) - and no problems with going offline for a gig etc

Thanks :-)

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