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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Sujet: VirtualDJ 8 PADS - Pioneer DDJ-SP1 version - Page: 1

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Posté Mon 14 Jul 14 @ 9:06 am
Oh man, thank you so much, but there is a little mistake on the third sample page:

On the device I activate sampler_pad 1 and sample_pad 2, display show the right sampler-name, but as you see sampler_pad 1 and sampler_pad 5.
Could you please add cover-art on the wheels (as option)?
Thanks for your hard work.

from Germany

I think i ve written that before... anyways...
Unfortunately the skin engine cant follow the order that a Samplebank.xml may have. It can only follow the default order. The INSTRUMENTS is made that way to provide samples from both groups on both sides. So if you open the instruments.xml you will see pad="", row="". If you open a different bank , you will see a different order.
Personally i have changed the order of the Instruments bank to the "default" like this..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sample path="Instruments\Kick.vdjsample" group="BEATS" color="red" col="0" row="0" />
<sample path="Instruments\Kick Hard.vdjsample" group="BEATS" color="red" col="0" row="1" />
<sample path="Instruments\Kick Snare.vdjsample" group="BEATS" color="red" col="0" row="2" />
<sample path="Instruments\Kick Clap.vdjsample" group="BEATS" color="red" col="0" row="3" />
<sample path="Instruments\HiHat 1.vdjsample" group="HATS" color="#FF0080FF" col="1" row="0" />
<sample path="Instruments\HiHat 2.vdjsample" group="HATS" color="#FF0080FF" col="1" row="1" />
<sample path="Instruments\HiHat 3.vdjsample" group="HATS" color="#FF0080FF" col="1" row="2" />
<sample path="Instruments\HiHat 4.vdjsample" group="HATS" color="#FF0080FF" col="1" row="3" />
<sample path="Instruments\Synth 1.vdjsample" group="KEYBOARD" color="yellow" col="2" row="0" />
<sample path="Instruments\Synth 2.vdjsample" group="KEYBOARD" color="yellow" col="2" row="1" />
<sample path="Instruments\Synth 3.vdjsample" group="KEYBOARD" color="yellow" col="2" row="2" />
<sample path="Instruments\Synth Melo.vdjsample" color="#C0C0C000" col="2" row="3" />

thanks ;o)

Yes Thank you sir, now my next question. Is there an updated mapper yet??

The updated mapper is uploaded. Just make sure you have the latest controller's version (the last 3 digits of the software build), which at the moment is/ends at .724, and the "factory default" mapping is selected

Thanks for Info about the updated mapper.

Mmmh, my version is at .723, Options/get Beta is active, how do I get the newest built?

Should I download and re-install?

OK, I got it. Forget the post above ;o)

Can I please get a version without the stripes in the browser section?? Ive tried to remove them but keep screwing up the skin. Please???

Why are the stripes that bad for u ? lol

The skin has 2 xml files (2 Decks and 4 Decks) and each one of them has 2 <browser> elements
For each one of them you need to add the line with the bold letters..

<browser visibility="var '$browser' 0">
<size width="1900-2" height="404+35-31+138"/>
<pos x="11" y="665-35+31-138"/>
<colors ><lists stripes="transparent" /></colors>


That did the trick!!

One more thing Bob, I usually have the scratch wave showing up top, how do I make the background black like the rythumwaves??

The colored background is there to easily identify the decks, but if you need to get rid of that...
Open the xml..
Lines 1935-1954
You will find 4 elements like ..
<visual type="color" source="constant '#007097'" visibility="60%">
<size width="1800" height="29"/>
<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
replace the #htmlcolor with black (constant 'black')

I probably should of been more specific, where is the the left/right scratch wave (2decks)??

now you ve lost me completely.
The skin doesnt offer vertical scratchwaves if that is what you mean. In the mixer area, only an audio and a Video mode is offered.
Scratchwaves are offered only at the top as horizontal ones.
you can still turn your screen 90 degrees clockwise too :P

Your gonna have to do better then that Bob, lmao!!

Maybe this will help you out,

See theres only 2 scratch waves there (left/right logic), well I would like those backgrounds black as well.

didnt my reply for the replacing color value above help ?

There could be more lines for that mode, but they should look similar. Search for example the #colorcode and you will find more of those <visual > elemetns that you need to edit.

Did some Modifications:

** Removed **



One last request Bob, how about a matching outdoor or white version of this skin, please??

Hmm, yeah that would be useful to have for all skins actually. I wonder if Jerem could update his Skin tool and provide a quick solution. I suppose it wouldnt be that hard.
anyways, i ll put that for the next update. Dont ask when, long list here hehe.
