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Sujet VirtualDJ Remote v.8 - for iOS and Android - Page: 10

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Hello everyone. Long time user, first time poster.

Really struggling with the new remote app on my iPad 1st generation (ios 5.1.1) when updating for the first time a few weeks ago the screen just went black and the app crashes tried a clean install and the same happens.

Saw the update today and beamed with excitement only to find out that the updated version is only compatible with ios 6+ thus not compatible with the 1st generation ipad.

Can anyone shine any light on this? I can't even get the old version now as this isn't available to download so stuck without an app that was used quite regularly.

Is this something that was intended by atomix on the update or an over site? Will us 1st gen users be able to get a working version ever again?


Posté Fri 26 Jun 15 @ 9:45 am
I'm guessing iOS 5.1.1 isn't supported any more. Still awaiting confirmation of this.

Posté Fri 26 Jun 15 @ 9:57 am
Yeah I guess so too. Worst thing is I can't even get the old working version of the app back - lost PC that had the ipa backed up. Thanks for the reply

Posté Fri 26 Jun 15 @ 12:10 pm
Don't think I have it either ..... I got sick of MacOS and trashed my machine.

Posté Fri 26 Jun 15 @ 12:20 pm
New version of the app seems to lag massively when switching between itunes and sidelist etc.

Posté Fri 26 Jun 15 @ 2:22 pm
Damn, at a gig, trying remote skins, need to reset to the default, it's not obvious how.

Posté Fri 26 Jun 15 @ 2:55 pm
Unconnect from VDJ.

You will then see a settings icon on your phone/tablet.
Press this and then remove custom skin.

Reconnect to VDJ.

Posté Fri 26 Jun 15 @ 2:59 pm
Thanks, I have it back now, but it's not filling the screen fully, it's a letterbox format now.

Edit: Sorted now

Posté Fri 26 Jun 15 @ 3:04 pm
Latest version of the App on IOS now working with Build 2338. Thanks Atomix.

Posté Fri 26 Jun 15 @ 4:57 pm
I have had a great experience with the remote app. I didn't see an answer to these two thiings, so forgive me for asking if I missed it.

1. Is there any way that we can see at least the length of the track in the remote browser? Album name would also be ideal.
It would be hugely helpful to see those two bits of info when you deal with a lot of different remix services.

2. When I'musing the remote along with a controller, is there any way to bypass the controller faders and crossfader when I walk out and use the remote? I set the faders where I need them on the controller and crossfader in the center, but it would be great to override the crossfader from remote when I am not behind the controller. This would be handy for weddings and at the club.

Posté Sat 27 Jun 15 @ 4:27 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
1. Not possible at the moment. You may use the "Wishes & New Features" forum to ask for anything that you would like to see in a next update.

2. Why would you want that ? Which controller are you using ? The controller will not affect the mixer faders unless someone moves them, so when u leave the booth you can have full control with your remote device.
If for any reason, you still need to do that, you can do one of the following ...
1. (the easy way) Set the controller to "Ignore" from Settings-->CONTROLLER tab
2. (the hard way) Change the mapping of some faders on your controller like... var '$useremote' ? nothing : volume and have a custom button assigned as .. toggle '$useremote'. When you need to leave the booth, click on that Custom button (you could even control this from your remote device if the skin offers that) and disable any mixer fader you have changed its action as above.


Posté Sat 27 Jun 15 @ 11:08 pm
I have a problem with the remote app for Andriod... It's constanly crashing when I touch the back button on my Samsung Galaxy S5, I have to restart my phone to get it started again. On top of that, VDJ won't recognize it. I can connect by IP adress, but the IP adress changes every time I restart the app so that's not an option for me.

I'm on VDJ8, build 2345.1017 and Andriod remote build v8.0.2334.

Posté Fri 03 Jul 15 @ 4:03 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
If you are on a PC, have you installed bonjour on your computer?

Posté Sat 04 Jul 15 @ 3:38 am
If you are on a PC, have you installed bonjour on your computer?

Hadn't done that previously so I gave it a bash! Bad move.... crash overdrive.

Tried removing Bonjour from Windows and now only get "??:[port number]" for manual IP patch. Has something changed or has the installation of Bonjour altered the way VDJ reads my IP address?


Posté Sun 05 Jul 15 @ 5:49 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
What crashed after installing Bonjour? If you want automatic connection then you need bonjour installed.

Bigchap88 wrote :
now only get "??:[port number]" for manual IP patch

Where are you seeing this? On the remote? If so, installing Bonjour won't have had any affect on the remote device at all. If it says ?? for the IP address, then it's likely the remote is unable to read the IP address from the device - either the application has had permission to access that information removed on your device, or it has no active network connections.

Posté Sun 05 Jul 15 @ 7:01 pm
Sorry Scott it was a connection problem to my router that was giving the ?? and crashes. The crash appear to be directly related to connection issues or a conflict with other remote apps. I'm now auto-connecting after reinstalling Bonjour and have prevented the tablet crashing by launch VDJ remote app first, then X-Air edit and Splashtop apps.

Having the ability to edit my playlist remotely would be the cherry on the top ;-)

P.s. I'm absolutely delighted with the app and have nothing but praise for bringing this app to android.

Posté Tue 07 Jul 15 @ 2:35 pm
Any fix for iOS 5.1.1 yet?

Posté Sat 11 Jul 15 @ 7:44 am
yourlive wrote :
I have a problem with the remote app for Andriod...

It seems my problem has magically disappeared ;-) Tonight everything works perfectly!

Posté Sat 11 Jul 15 @ 3:13 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
kradcliffe wrote :
Any fix for iOS 5.1.1 yet?

As I said previously the only possible fix will be that iOS 5 users will be offered the old v7 remote. Hopefully that will be sorted by the app store soon.

Posté Sat 11 Jul 15 @ 5:21 pm
Still can not manipulate the songs in the automix list ie. move them around/remove them. Also cannot scroll the automix list, it only shows 1 page. Running on a Samsung Tab A.

Posté Sat 11 Jul 15 @ 5:23 pm