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Sujet VirtualDJ Remote v.8 - for iOS and Android - Page: 11

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I bit the bullet. Got myself a new 64GB iPad Air 2.

:-) and :-( at the same time.

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 7:27 am
Shocked at that Groovin, had you down as a straight up knobs man.

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 5:42 pm
groovindj wrote :
I bit the bullet. Got myself a new 64GB iPad Air 2.

:-) and :-( at the same time.

Feels good, don't it ;-)

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 10:10 pm
Bigchap88 wrote :
Shocked at that Groovin, had you down as a straight up knobs man.

Well I look at it as a long term investment in something that's definitely not just for using the VDJ remote.

It runs (thank goodness!) but there were other apps I couldn't use because my iPad was 1st gen (including my bank) - and they're all fine now.

I hadn't even gone to the store for an iPad. They didn't have what I wanted in stock, and then I noticed they were offering a trade in on old iPads.

As soon as I told him mine was 1st gen though, that was out. The trade in was gen 2 onwards. Typical!

[later] Ooh, I see iOS 9 is on the way too. Bonus!


Posté Mon 13 Jul 15 @ 2:42 am
I got the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4

iOS is just a restrictive mess, could never go back to Apple now.

Posté Mon 13 Jul 15 @ 4:18 am
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
I just looked to make sure my iPad 2 would be supported by iOS 9.
Yay! It looks like anything that can run 8 will get 9

Posté Mon 13 Jul 15 @ 6:30 pm
question.. i purchased the app from apple for my iPad.. do i also have to purchase from google to use it on my android?

Posté Thu 16 Jul 15 @ 10:20 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Yes, that are two different stores.

Posté Thu 16 Jul 15 @ 10:28 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Any chance of it being included in the Amazom App Store ?

I've got a Blackberry.

While I'm at it is there any chance of clothing which is suitable for the more dignified older DJ's ?
I'm not wearing a baseball cap.
My working image is pressed black trousers, and shiny black shoes, also normally some kind of nice black, or dark short sleeved shirt.
I must have short sleeves so as to avoid catching my crossfader.
I want a smaller sophisticated logo, not a big thing all the way across my chest.


Posté Fri 17 Jul 15 @ 9:28 am
Please HElp!!! Where do I enter the ip address who asked me for my app of virtual dj remote that recently download in my iphone, so i work perfectly with the virtual dj pro version 7.0.5 ?????????????????

Posté Tue 21 Jul 15 @ 8:17 pm
Don't know where else to post this but here it goes...For those of who use virtual dj remote app. Try putting 10 songs on the automix list and 10 songs on the sidelist and try to scroll with the remote app. Now load 1 more song on either list and see if you can scroll. I have discovered that if you load more then 10 songs you can't scroll. Anybody else having this problem? Don't ask me if I'm using vdj7 or 8 or apple or android. Just try it. I have confirmed with other users as well for this bug.

Posté Sun 26 Jul 15 @ 11:08 pm
It's there any updates to the app coming soon?

I would really like the ability to manipulate the playlist. i.e move tracks up and down the list.

Android user.


Posté Fri 14 Aug 15 @ 10:08 pm
PLEASE can we get the bug fixed where the sidelist / automix list won't scroll if there are more than 10 tracks present.

It's really bugging and makes these lists unusable.


Posté Tue 18 Aug 15 @ 2:00 pm
Any news on this ..... at least an acknowledgement from the team that the bug exists would be nice.

Posté Wed 19 Aug 15 @ 8:35 pm
Same here....this bug is really annoying...its the only thing left to be done for the remote app to be 100% perfect!

Posté Wed 19 Aug 15 @ 8:42 pm
The previous app never got updated and died a slow death. Maybe this will be the same!

Posté Thu 20 Aug 15 @ 10:18 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
It will get looked at, don't worry :)

Posté Thu 20 Aug 15 @ 1:37 pm
scratcher_81 wrote :
I hope that soon we will be able to use the remote using usb to lighting cable to avoid wireless latency kind of like serato remote.
This will be a huge step forward

+1. waiting usb link

Posté Tue 25 Aug 15 @ 11:13 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
As I've said before, you can already use USB.

Posté Tue 25 Aug 15 @ 12:58 pm
purchased the app on my old android device and when i installed the Apk on my new device it says NO VALID LICENSE FOUND Any help with this issue would be appreciated

Posté Tue 25 Aug 15 @ 2:23 pm