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Forum: Video Discussion

Sujet How to connect TV to work with Video Mixing with VDJ LE

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How do you set up the TV to work with video mixing with Virtual Dj LE with the American Audio 10 MXR Mixer..?

Posté Fri 31 Jul 15 @ 6:35 pm
Would I need to upgrade to connect my TV..? & how do I use Time code CD for the CDJ's..?

Posté Fri 31 Jul 15 @ 7:43 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
VirtualDJ LE doesn't allow you to use a TV for video mixing, you can only output to the small window. Sure you can drag that to your TV but it will still be a small window ;)

Posté Tue 04 Aug 15 @ 8:58 am

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