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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Sujet track error message

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Hi all.

anyone ran into this issue regarding the error message when loading your tracks? I just upgraded to vdj 8, new computer with window 10. now some of my music tracks are not playing. when loaded, i get an error message. is there any fix out there? I need some help because those files are about 80% of my music.

Posté Tue 16 Feb 16 @ 1:20 am
there's a lot of reason why track is not playing (specially when upgrading)

1. file could be in a different folder.
2. DRM files (VDJ 8 does not support DRM files)
3. File security (take ownership of your files)

what does the track info tells you ?

Posté Tue 16 Feb 16 @ 1:38 am
RobRoyPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2012
please note also that a different drive letter and even the pc or user name can cause the error message

Posté Tue 16 Feb 16 @ 12:29 pm

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