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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Sujet VDJ8 get Freeze using NS7ii with Platters ON

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Hi guys. I have more than 3 months with this problem.

I have this equipment:
* VDJ8 Pro license
* Intel i7 with 8gb Ram Memory, 12Gb SSD cache in my laptop
* High Performance battery settings.
* USB sleep disable
* NS7 ii connected into USB port near to Power port.

I work with my Numark NS7ii during a long period of time without any issue, however, after several time, VDJ get freeze, music stop and anything respond. I need to force my computer to close program, turn controller off, back On and reopen VDJ. This problem keep going even cutting audio for 2 seconds when I'm loading another video into one side during party.

This stop happening when I turn platters OFF.

Somebody Can Help me?


Posté Thu 18 Feb 16 @ 5:41 pm

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