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Sujet Best setup for VDJ remote (proven functionality) - Page: 1

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I am in need of the VDJ Remote for my deejaying activities. I already tried several setups with cheap, generic android tablets, with frustrating results. Problems were maintaining the connection and auto-reconnecting. I am inclined to buy an iPad for just the remote... if that would make a difference.

Can anyone give me their working setup specs so that I can duplicate them and be a bit more sure that it will work in the end?
Many thanks...

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 8:50 am
Iself us no VDJ Remote App

I use a HP Stream 7" Windows 8.1 Tablet with Full installed VDJ 7.4.7 Pro Full and VDJ 8.2 Pro Infinity Buildt 3752 (Early Access)
and this works great for me by my Mobile Disco.
Sometimes i use the VMS2 Midicontroller too on it.

VDJ Software works onyl with a Full Windows Software Version on the Tablet ,not with a limited Win Phone or so.

Onyl the 7" Screen is a little bit to small for me,but think with a greater Windows Tablet we 10" or 12" that where better for work with.

I use my VDJ 7 and VDJ 8 /8.2 Version on this Hardwares:
Toshiba Satelite M40 X GR 112 Notebook+Win XP Pro SP3
Asus Eee PC R101 X mit Win 7 Starter
HP Stream 7" Tablet mit Windows 8.1


PS. Will buy someone in next Time the VDJ Remote for Android Tablet,but at the Moment that is better for me to work with a Full installed VDJ Version on Windows Tablet.

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 10:11 am
AzzyEffControlleristMember since 2015
Windows 7 PC, dual screens, Hercules RMX console, VDJ Pro 8


Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 10:16 am
@AzzyEff: Where's the remote control part in your setup?

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 10:23 am
AzzyEffControlleristMember since 2015
dont have remote control. not yet anyway

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 10:27 am
I see. Nice setup you've got there, but this thread is about solid-working setups for remote controlling VDJ...

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 10:40 am

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 1:22 pm
Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro, Windows 8.1, Connectify to create the hotspot.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.4" Android 5.0.2

Works first time every time. I do get disconnects and I'm convinced it's the VDJ app causing this but Scott denies it. If I use exactly the same setup with spalashtop instead of VDJ remote it doesn't disconnect at all.

The VDJ app is a bit clunky in the way it works (having to have Bonjour installed is a PITA) and I far prefer the Splashtop method as it emulates your session live and you have access to your actual skin which is far better IMO.

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 1:40 pm
I have read the manual, and have tried various setups with the remote app for android, but not with satisfying results. That's why I'm asking here, to see if anyone has got the VDJ remote app (or any other remote control software) working solidly and what their setup is.

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 1:42 pm
Many thanks, kradcliffe!
I'm googling Splashtop and Connectify!

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 1:48 pm
@kradcliffe: Would the free "Splashtop Personal App" and the free Connectify version suffice (=provide a robust setup) or do you recommend other (paid) versions?

Are there also disadvantages to using Splashtop instead of VDJ Remote?

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 2:02 pm
You would need to look in to what the free versus paid apps offer, I have had them both installed for some time now and the apps will of course be totally different. I think the free version of Connectify is time limited. Your PC may of course have a built in hotspot client from Intel and if so you won't need Connectify at all.

Again the difference is personal preference. The VDJ app offers a more touch friendly interface but it is limited and you have to keep swapping between the browser and decks. Splashtop is basically a Windows RDP client and emulates whatever is on your PC screen. It has loads of different options and I feel it is a better solution overall. Instead of Bonjour you need to install splashtop streamer but it basically does the same thing.

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 2:13 pm
Thanks for the info. I don't mind paying, if I get the remote control to work. How can I find out if I have a built in hotspot client from Intel? Sorry, I'm still a noob at some stuff...

Posté Tue 30 May 17 @ 3:08 pm
So I've been doing some online research and I have a question: is there a reason NOT to use the native Windows (I have Windows 7 Ultimate) "Remote Desktop" functionality (which now also has a client app for Android) but instead install a third-party software like Splashtop or TeamViewer for remote-controlling VirtualDJ?

Windows Remote Desktop Connection is – in the right context – the best solution. If you’re running a household or office of computers with Windows Pro or better (so they all support RDC hosting), connecting to those machines with RDC is such a smooth experience it’s like literally being right at that computer. The display is crisp, fast, and full color, the connection is responsive, and other than the tiny blue toolbar at the top of the screen indicating your’re using RDC, you’d never know you weren’t using the PC sitting on the desk next to you. For home or office use with Windows computers that support it, using Remote Desktop Connection is a no brainer because that’s what RDC was made for: local network administration in a professional environment...

Posté Wed 31 May 17 @ 1:34 pm
There's no reason not to use RDP if it works for you.

I had a strange bug where using VDJ in an RDP session would disable the midi controller. That's why I started using Splashtop but standard RDP may work just as well for you.

Posté Wed 31 May 17 @ 3:04 pm
Thank you for your always prompt and clear answers, kradcliffe :)
I will start with experimenting with RDP first then...
I wonder why they made the VDJ Remote app, if this is Windows-natively possible as well...

Posté Wed 31 May 17 @ 3:13 pm
CeskaGPRO SubscriberMember since 2013
This may be a bit off topic, but I am doing my best to learn about online Djing (which seems to have changed a lot over the years) and I am having a difficult time finding a headset and mic usb set up that will make my voice clear over music playing in the decks or even.. when the music is off. Can someone help me with this? Is it better to use a professional mic? Are headsets off the table to make this work? Thanks!

Posté Sat 03 Jun 17 @ 3:56 pm
Okay, I've been at it for some time now, and had to upgrade my Windows 10 Home laptop to Windows 10 Pro to get the RDP functionality because the RPD wrapper method didn't work for me. I am now trying to get the connection working, noticing that an internet connection is required (hadn't thought of that), which of course will not always be available when playing live somewhere...

So my question is, can I use RDP with an Ad Hoc connection? And if so, how?

Posté Wed 21 Jun 17 @ 5:19 pm
You need to use something like connectify to create the ad-hoc network or your laptop may have that functionality built in to the intel wifi card. This was stated earlier in the thread.

kradcliffe wrote :
You would need to look in to what the free versus paid apps offer, I have had them both installed for some time now and the apps will of course be totally different. I think the free version of Connectify is time limited. Your PC may of course have a built in hotspot client from Intel and if so you won't need Connectify at all.

Posté Wed 21 Jun 17 @ 5:44 pm
Right, sorry about that. I'm lost when it come to networking and such.

I'll keep working on it.

Posté Wed 21 Jun 17 @ 5:53 pm