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I never do Karaoke but I have a party coming up in 2 weeks and they requested that I do some Karaoke and I've got zilch. Is there some site you guys use to download karaoke files for free?



Posté Mon 14 Aug 17 @ 9:22 pm
Do they know that Karaoke is not your main business?


Posté Mon 14 Aug 17 @ 9:43 pm
Get a membership of one month on the karaoke subscription from VirtualDJ / ContentUnlimited ?

And ofcourse you ask the same amount of money (or more) to give the people what they want...

"For free" is asking for trouble if you ask me, but that's my personal opinion.
You don;t know which songs they're going to ask you, so what do you want to download?

I believe you have to rethink if you want to provide this (extra) service you are not familiar with?

Don't forget that if it fails big time, the people remember your name and you don;t want to be the failing guy, while you can DJ like the best. but karaoke is not your standard...

Posté Wed 16 Aug 17 @ 11:34 am
I found a site that gives me 1000 songs to use over a 2 day period for $5... And yes, they know this is not my bread-and-butter but, I'm used to winging things like this on the fly so this is a challenge that I'm looking forward too. I also play in a band so singing and providing that musical entertainment portion to my night I hope will work out. I'm thinking of doing 90hr set DJ and then 30 minutes karaoke and then switch back and forth depending how get drunk people get and their necessity to make an ass of themselves.

Thanks for the feedback!


Posté Mon 21 Aug 17 @ 8:15 pm
sounds like a plan ;)

Good luck and have a wonderfull evening.

Posté Mon 21 Aug 17 @ 8:36 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
their necessity to make an ass of themselves.

You may be misjudging their capabilities. I often get pro, and semi pro singers. Even many of those who don't aspire to professional standards can sing a few songs very well, and they don't need Autotune like most of the current pop stars ! Treat them with respect and you may find their an asset. It's good to try and create a show, and also you'll refine your microphone skills.

Most of the really good singers will keep away if they don't think you have the skills, and equipment to compliment their skill. So don't be put off..just keep on learning. Singers are often prima donnas. Make sure you have some echo/reverb on your singing microphones. Use your DJ experience to try and make them sound like the original artist. You can do a lot to change how a voice sounds using top, mid and bass. Each song uses different amounts of echo/reverb so I always adjust it to suit the track. In fact some tracks and singers don't need any. Also watch how they use the microphone and and try to adjust the microphone volume to suit their style. For instance some like to place it on there chin so you want a volume level to suit. Finally I normally limit the number of microphones for the singers to two to enhance my control. I do vary it occasionally..I'm now thinking of a 20 member ukulele band who used my system but even then I only permitted 3 or 4 microphones.

Posté Mon 21 Aug 17 @ 10:48 pm
Good luck and have a great night.

Posté Mon 21 Aug 17 @ 11:15 pm
Good luck and enjoy it! Like someone else said, If you are fussy/meaning to do it well, you will spend a lot of time tweaking their voices so they sound ''better'', If your gear allows you to.

The way I do my karaokes is play a song, call a singer, play a song, call a singer and so on. That breaks the sequence of bad singing lol. That gives me time to tweak things and find what the next person is singing too. Also to keep a strict cue/order of all the singers. Always say a few things in between to big the singer up, or the history of the song etc. Just trying to be casual and break the ice.

I keep all my tracks in my hard drive. 1000 songs no where near enough for random requests. If you stick to that number, I would print a list of the songs, if possible. Otherwise try and use a Karafun subscription. A friend who just started karaoke but is not a DJ swears by it. I just use VDJ.

Either way have FUN!

Posté Tue 22 Aug 17 @ 12:11 am
i'll just leave this here for red_eye to read


Posté Wed 23 Aug 17 @ 7:59 am
It's just a party, and my payment was promised in mass quantities of Makers Mark... I actually went with a $10 monthly subscription with KaraFun that gave me access to 25k songs.

And I did not mean to disrespect those who do Karaoke for a living where professional singers go. It's just going to be a group of over-the-hill party people that once have had enough of liquid courage to step up and have fun.


Posté Thu 24 Aug 17 @ 4:27 pm
No need to apologize. It's good that you are taking a chance outside of your comfort zone. As entertainers, we have unique skills to deal with people, even if we are trying something new. This is not brain surgery. There is Karaoke, and then there is KARAOKE. It seems that you will be doing the former. I used to do Karaoke on a weekly basis, in a club that did Karaoke 3 nights a week. I can't sing a lick, and am not the greatest Karaoke host. I don't know how it went on the other 2 nights, but there was not a singer in the whole bar. It was painful dealing with the same people, killing the same songs every week. Occasionally there would be a new person, but never any great singers. But guess what? They had fun, and I got paid. Nothing else matters. I just did a Karaoke gig on the 12th, and they murdered the songs. If you are over 60, how do you not know the structure of "Stop, in the name of love" by the Supremes? Again, they had fun, and I got paid. So have fun and tell us how it turned out.

I will take a look at the service that you mentioned. I have an extensive library, but lack some of the new stuff. I have Content unlimited and also used this.

Posté Fri 25 Aug 17 @ 3:17 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
+1 No need to apologize

I'm just pointing out that you might be able to enhance your skills by trying karaoke. The customers may sing songs which you like and later incorporate into your DJ sets. You might even remix some of their songs. Also I can't emphasis enough that the more microphone work you do the better.

The mixing adjustments do become increasingly complex as you attempt to become more professional. I was just giving you a rough starters guide as to what might help. On your first attempt..whatever, but don't be put off by the bad singers. Karaoke is bit by bit moving into the main stream. Even professionals love karaoke at parties, and they sometimes compete with one another to see who sounds the best. I find that awesome.

Hm.. there does seem to be karaoke and KARAOKE. I'd just like to remind you all that there are plenty of fabulous singers in our world..and if your lucky some might sing for you. They're, for some reason unknown to me, much better than the recorded original artist while offering there live version. I don't really know how it happens.. if I record them, and play it back the magic is lost.

Posté Fri 25 Aug 17 @ 1:34 pm
@godwentpunk, just took a look at the Karafun service. I will give it a try during my next show. Don't forget to let us know how your show went, and what you thought of the service.

Posté Sat 26 Aug 17 @ 4:57 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
+1...but is it licenced for professional use? Anyway, it will get you up and running. I would try and get some of the karaoke classics and any songs you know they want before the event. The internet can be unreliable.

Good luck...your experiance in a band will help.

Posté Sat 26 Aug 17 @ 2:54 pm
To my fellow DJs and KJs that may be interested in a Karaoke service, take a look here.

I have never used this service, nor am I promoting it. This is just a link, so you can do your own research, and see if it will be a benefit to you. I have no affiliation , nor do I derive any profit from giving you this information. This is purely for research purposes only. Any question you may have, should be directed to this site, as I only know the same information that I read on this site.

Have a great day.

Posté Sat 26 Aug 17 @ 7:24 pm
A Man and His Music wrote :
@godwentpunk, just took a look at the Karafun service. I will give it a try during my next show. Don't forget to let us know how your show went, and what you thought of the service.

It cost me $10 for that month subscription... and I listed to a bunch of their stuff and it wasn't that bad. Their app is nice and gives me some room to tweak things such as bringing in the 'lead vocals' so if someone is lost, I can help them along.

Since all of my monitors are powered, I can set my stage monitors to one volume and my mains to their own. I have 1 wireless mic and 2 wired.. I think I'll use the wireless so I can walk around and the wired for the others.

I'll let you all know how it all works out..



Posté Tue 29 Aug 17 @ 5:04 pm

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