runinning latest b4291, msi laptop, windows 10, (now with redstone 5 update), i7-7820, and a denon-mc7000.
suddenly now when i drag any song thats already been processed. to a deck i get "hidden" with the same thing below that as "hidden". was still able to finsih the set. is this
is this a new bug. or did i set something in the config by accident for it to do this.
suddenly now when i drag any song thats already been processed. to a deck i get "hidden" with the same thing below that as "hidden". was still able to finsih the set. is this
is this a new bug. or did i set something in the config by accident for it to do this.
Posté Tue 08 May 18 @ 7:53 am
aha. i had enabled "hide song info". (which i never saw before in the config?). okie dokie
Posté Tue 08 May 18 @ 7:56 am
Hallo, ich benötige bitte einmal einen Tipp! Mit meinem VDJ-Update auf Version 2021, sehe ich den Titel/Interpreten nicht mehr im linken bzw. rechten Deck?! Es kommt
die Nachricht "Hidden/versteckt"!! Könnte mir jemand sagen, wo ich in der Konfig/Einstellungen die Einstellung für die Änderung finden kann? Vielen Dank - DJ Zeppi
die Nachricht "Hidden/versteckt"!! Könnte mir jemand sagen, wo ich in der Konfig/Einstellungen die Einstellung für die Änderung finden kann? Vielen Dank - DJ Zeppi
Posté Tue 04 Aug 20 @ 6:44 pm
...boa, wer lang sucht, der findet, also, man muss nur im Suchfenster eingeben "hidesonginfo" und es erscheint die Option. Bei mir war "ja", also Titel-Info ausblenden
angehackt. Ich musste nur den Haken auf nein/no setzen und schon war das Problem geloest! :-)
angehackt. Ich musste nur den Haken auf nein/no setzen und schon war das Problem geloest! :-)
Posté Tue 04 Aug 20 @ 7:12 pm
Hello, please need a tip! With my VDJ update to version 2021, do I no longer see the title / artist in the left or right deck ?! It is coming
the message "Hidden" !! Could someone tell me where I can find the setting for the change in Config / Settings? Thank you very much - DJ Zeppi
Hello, please need a tip! With my VDJ update to version 2021, do I no longer see the title / artist in the left or right deck ?! It is coming
the message "Hidden" !! Could someone tell me where I can find the setting for the change in Config / Settings? Thank you very much - DJ Zeppi
Posté Tue 04 Aug 20 @ 8:10 pm
Boa, who searches long, finds, so you just have to enter "hidesonginfo" in the search window and the option appears. For me it was "yes", so hide title info
checked. I just had to put the hook on no / no and the problem was solved! :-)
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Boa, who searches long, finds, so you just have to enter "hidesonginfo" in the search window and the option appears. For me it was "yes", so hide title info
checked. I just had to put the hook on no / no and the problem was solved! :-)
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Posté Tue 04 Aug 20 @ 8:15 pm
I'm pretty sure a moderator just threw all variants of this issue into the same thread to clean up but also make people find this thread easier when searching online.
Posté Fri 07 Aug 20 @ 5:14 pm