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Sujet: Script School - Page: 23.8

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@mg_1978 not really making sense.

locodog wrote :
@mg_1978 not really making sense.

thanks, i would try…can you help me?


I literally don't understand what you want.

locodog wrote :
I literally don't understand what you want.

can you see flanger slider 1? i would that with pad pressure slider 1 is not 80% istantanealy, but go from 0% to 80% in 500ms and at 80% it stop and remain 80%….


so, slider zero, fx on, rs to move the slider like 8% every 50ms, give a count of 10 or have a query to turn the rs off when % = 80

yes! when pad is pushed or in toggle mode, like padfx smart_pressed


mg_1978 wrote :
[quote=locodog]so, slider zero, fx on, rs to move the slider like 8% every 50ms, give a count of 10 or have a query to
turn the rs off when % = 80

yes! when pad is pushed or in toggle mode, like padfx smart_pressed

i have mapped: down? effect_slider ‘flanger’ 1 0% & effect_active ‘flanger’ on & repeat_start ‘add’ 10ms & effect_slider ‘flanger’ 1 +2% & effect_slider ‘flanger’ 1 80% ? repeat_stop ‘add’ : nothing : repeat_stop ‘add’ & effect_slider ‘flanger’ 1 0% & effect_active ‘flanger’ off

is work, but not in toggle mode too :(


rs scripts don't run that fast, quickest you can have reliably is 30ms
obviously it won't work as a toggle, down ? doesn't have a toggle like state

if you want like padfx smart_pressed, use padfx.
slider zero, padfx smart_pressed, rs 50ms 10 times, query fx on ? true increase slider : false repeat_stop

@Locodog: thanks to your help I found the right script:

not quite what I had, but good stuff, In future post the actual script & not a screenshot [sideways camera shot, eugh], makes it easier for everybody.

effect_slider 'flanger' 1 0 & padfx 'flanger' smart_pressed & repeat_start 'lic' 50ms 10 & effect_active 'flanger' on ? effect_slider 'flanger' 1 +8% : repeat_stop 'lic'

So I figured out how to have a dial pan between stems and on button press invert a given stem:

First, the pan:

set $fv & param_smaller 0.5 ? set $rv & deck right stem 'vocal' & set $lv 0.5 & deck left stem 'vocal' 0.5 : param_invert & set $lv & deck left stem 'vocal' & set $rv 0.5 & deck right stem 'vocal' 0.5

Second, the button:

set $temp '$lv' & set $lv '$rv' & set $rv '$temp' & get_var $rv & param_cast & deck right stem 'vocal' & get_var $lv & param_cast & deck left stem 'vocal' & get_var $fv & param_invert & set $fv

I use the $fv variable to keep the led dial lights synced

hi Is it possible to activate the B-JUMP function with the MOVE button
When I work with Virtual DJ 8
Together with the S4 MK3 controller?

Hey guys, Awesome resources here. I know the very basics of scripting, but i can't figure out how to toggle a specific effect over a period of beats. The main thing I am trying to do is have an effect or video effect toggle every 16 beats. So basically if I enable the script the specified effect will toggle on & off every 16 beats. I'm mainly trying to do negative effect on the master deck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


timed and freehand start
deck master repeat_start_instant negToggle ? on & repeat_stop negToggle : off & repeat_start_instant negToggle 16bt & effect_active negative -1

driven by masterdeck beat position
deck master repeat_start_instant 'negtoggle' ? on & deck master repeat_stop 'negtoggle' & effect_active 'negative' off : repeat_start_instant 'negtoggle' 30ms -1 & param_bigger `deck master get_beat_bar 32` 0.5 ? effect_active 'negative' off : effect_active 'negative' on

Is it possible to switch of the Logo (Pro Infinity) by script while a Karaoke flagged track is playing and let it return when the Karaoke track ended?

I plan to put a QR code to my request website as the logo.
As i have karaoke video's with the lyrics at different heights the logo/QR code is over the lyrics.

LOCODOG, You my friend are a legend. Thank you so much.

What about a script that randomly toggles a specific effect but with a slider to choose how often. E.G Have blur random toggle on master video, but only comes on for a second or two every so many beats or seconds?

more suited to a virtualfx.

For some action-cues:
How can I query the deck in which the song is loaded?
(just don´t know the syntax)
Thanks for help

get_deck returns a number,
action_deck can be queried against a number [or side]
