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Forum: General Discussion

Sujet: Script School - Page: 33.35
I can put the path in :-)

Second one works correctly, thanks.


i think i understand what you want. I see on your screenshot my "COLORFX" Padpage ;)

check this script. This is the part that you whant. The Problem is. The Color fx whers turn off by using this script. You need an second button to reactivate color fx again or you can not use any other Color FX.

filter_selectcolorfx 'noise' & filter_activate off & filter_activate on while_pressed

Vocal FX Pad Mode Editing :

Hi Guys, I need your help editing a pad page that i find very useful in vdj. Its the Vocal FX pad mode by Rune(DJ In Norway). i want help editing the pad modes so they can be toggled on and off instead of pushed down and release action. and if possible also with LED feedback so you know its on. The pad i am most interested in editing is the LOOPCHOP. Thanks in advance .
P.S : I sent this message initially as a DM to @locodog but it seems he is a bit occupied so decided to put it on here. Thanks

FYI : Just In Case Anyone on here is willing to convert/write scripts for a VDJ Add-on called Sticky for Mac Users, please let me know so i can contact you for help. Thanks

After bring it up to date

down ? 
on & set 'VoxFXcount' `var 'VoxFXcount' ?
get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add 1 : get_text '1' & param_cast val` & set 'voxLoopCycle' 0 & effect_stems 'vocal' on & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & quantize_loop on & padfx 'loop roll' 0.9 0.75 & wait 1bt 1 & repeat_start 'voxRoller' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 2 -20% & cycle 'voxLoopCounter' 2 & var 'voxLoopCounter' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller'& repeat_start 'voxRoller2' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 1 -15% & cycle 'voxLoopCycle' 6 & var 'voxLoopCycle' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' :
nothing :
nothing :
off & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & effect_active 'loop roll' off & get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_equal 1 ?
effect_stems 'vocal' off & set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1` :
set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1`

then change down query to a var query and include 2 toggles of the var

var voiceThing 0 ? 
on & toggle voiceThing & set 'VoxFXcount' `var 'VoxFXcount' ?
get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add 1 :
get_text '1' & param_cast val` & set 'voxLoopCycle' 0 & effect_stems 'vocal' on & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & quantize_loop on & padfx 'loop roll' 0.9 0.75 & wait 1bt 1 & repeat_start 'voxRoller' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 2 -20% & cycle 'voxLoopCounter' 2 & var 'voxLoopCounter' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller'& repeat_start 'voxRoller2' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 1 -15% & cycle 'voxLoopCycle' 6 & var 'voxLoopCycle' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' :
nothing :
nothing :
off & toggle voiceThing & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & effect_active 'loop roll' off & get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_equal 1 ?
effect_stems 'vocal' off & set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1` : set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1`

I'm going to have to start charging for this


I remember the code now to approximate sticky just with script, but I just don't like it, I don't want to introduce it because it's backwards to how sticky actually works and it would cause problems if sticky ever did get a port to mac.

locodog wrote :

I remember the code now to approximate sticky just with script, but I just don't like it, I don't want to introduce it because it's backwards to how sticky actually works and it would cause problems if sticky ever did get a port to mac.
Ok I do understand. I just Hope it gets ported sooner than later.


locodog wrote :
After bring it up to date

down ? 
on & set 'VoxFXcount' `var 'VoxFXcount' ?
get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add 1 : get_text '1' & param_cast val` & set 'voxLoopCycle' 0 & effect_stems 'vocal' on & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & quantize_loop on & padfx 'loop roll' 0.9 0.75 & wait 1bt 1 & repeat_start 'voxRoller' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 2 -20% & cycle 'voxLoopCounter' 2 & var 'voxLoopCounter' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller'& repeat_start 'voxRoller2' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 1 -15% & cycle 'voxLoopCycle' 6 & var 'voxLoopCycle' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' :
nothing :
nothing :
off & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & effect_active 'loop roll' off & get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_equal 1 ?
effect_stems 'vocal' off & set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1` :
set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1`

then change down query to a var query and include 2 toggles of the var

var voiceThing 0 ? 
on & toggle voiceThing & set 'VoxFXcount' `var 'VoxFXcount' ?
get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add 1 :
get_text '1' & param_cast val` & set 'voxLoopCycle' 0 & effect_stems 'vocal' on & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & quantize_loop on & padfx 'loop roll' 0.9 0.75 & wait 1bt 1 & repeat_start 'voxRoller' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 2 -20% & cycle 'voxLoopCounter' 2 & var 'voxLoopCounter' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller'& repeat_start 'voxRoller2' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 1 -15% & cycle 'voxLoopCycle' 6 & var 'voxLoopCycle' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' :
nothing :
nothing :
off & toggle voiceThing & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & effect_active 'loop roll' off & get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_equal 1 ?
effect_stems 'vocal' off & set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1` : set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1`

I'm going to have to start charging for this

Thank you for your help again. I will input it and give you feedback. As for charging for it, please check your dm. i am willing to offer something for your help always. I just don't have paypal. If you happen to get another means where i can support,please let me know. Thanks


Here a little Script to add a manually input Dialog for set Pitch to a specific BPM Value. :)

set set_bpm `get_bpm` & set_var_dialog set_bpm BPM &
repeat_start 'bpm_change' 250ms 240 &
param_equal '`get_var set_bpm`' '`get_bpm`' ? nothing :
get_var set_bpm & param_cast 'beats' & pitch & repeat_stop 'bpm_change'

@DennYo Beats nice, I really like set_var_dialog from a makers perspective.
it's like a little command line

the part the calls the dialog is just waiting for the var change, all the user has to do is press the button and the dialog can give hand holding instructions

Hey Script-Pros,
is it possible to have "controllerTakeoverMode"="gradual" for gain knob only. Is it possible to read the controller knob position of a knob or slider using VDJ script, when it isn't synchronous with the software position. All the scripts seam to report the software-position.

Thx in advance!

@EGR if every dial command changed the setting and changed back, maybe.

setting controllerTakeoverMode "instant" & level & setting controllerTakeoverMode "gradual"


that is a very good idea and may do the trick. Will check it in the evening, when I'm back home.
I said it may times and have to do it again.
This community is awesome. Thx a lot for your quick and helpful answers!


Hey LocoDog,

checkt your idea and it worked! Thx a lot!
Everything is on "pickup" except gain:
setting controllerTakeoverMode "gradual" & gain & setting controllerTakeoverMode "pickup"


How to add strings [append a tag example]

set_var string " text I want to add" & 
set temp `param_add 'get_var string' 'get_browsed_song comment'` &
get_var temp & param_cast 'text' & browsed_song "comment"

quick one, save the text I want to add,
set a temp var, adding the thing I want to add to the thing I want to add to
grab the var, cast it as text, cast it to the thing I want to change

or even briefer
set_var string " text I want to add" & 
get_text "`param_add 'get_var string' 'get_browsed_song comment'`" &
param_cast & browsed_song comment

even briefer still, and in the order that doesn't hurt my primitive brain
set_var string " text I want to add" & 
get_text "`get_browsed_song comment``get_var string`" &
param_cast & browsed_song comment

locodog wrote :
How to add strings [append a tag example] ....

Thats a very usefull script... Thanks for sharing ... i love it. <3

Hey everybody,

I try to create a day-theme for the Prime GO.
Everythings looks great except the bowser list.
How can I change the colors of the browser list?
Here are the elements the default theme is using:

<define class="primebrowser">
<font fontsize="24"/>
<fontheader fontsize="22"/>
<fontsearch fontsize="16"/>
<filelist class="primebrowser" headerheight="[LINEHEIGHT]" lineheight="[LINEHEIGHT]">
<pos x="+0" y="+50"/>
<size width="[BRWIDTH]" height="[BRHEIGHT]-50"/>

How can I change colors in the design-tag?

Thx Jochen


@EGR a question better suited for the skins forum.

Electronic Green Room wrote :
Hey everybody,

I try to create a day-theme for the Prime GO. ....

add in the <define class="primebrowser"...> the COLOR children.

When you need mor help please post in the Skin Forum.


hello, help me assign a button so that when you turn it on, the effect 'reverb' and stems fx 'vocal' are activated, and when you press the button again, the effect 'reverb' and stems fx 'vocal' disconnected.

something like this, but it doesn't work: deck right effect_active 'reverb' & effect_stems 'vocal' on : effect_stems off

DJElementDJ wrote :
hello, help me assign a button so that when you turn it on, the effect 'reverb' and stems fx 'vocal' are activated, and when you press the button again, the effect 'reverb' and stems fx 'vocal' disconnected.

something like this, but it doesn't work: deck right effect_active 'reverb' & effect_stems 'vocal' on : effect_stems off

happened!!! it works: deck right effect_active 'reverb' ? effect_stems 'vocal' on : effect_stems off

now the question is how to register so that the button blinks when the effect is on and burns when it is off?

I used to have this: deck right effect_active 'reverb' ? blink 300ms ? color 'magenta' : off : color 'darkmagenta' now it doesn't work.
