I want to get a loop counter up on the screen to count how many times a loop has looped.
I started with this which works fine get_bpm & param_1_x & param_multiply 240000 & param_cast "ms", this returns the time in milliseconds for, in this case, a 4 beat loop.
So how do I now get that in to something like this that cycles the 'LoopCount' variable in time with the loop -
loop 4 ? repeat_start_instant 'LoopCounter' [THE ABOVE] & cycle 'LoopCount' 16 : repeat_stop 'LoopCounter' & set 'LoopCount' 0
Thanks in advance.
I started with this which works fine get_bpm & param_1_x & param_multiply 240000 & param_cast "ms", this returns the time in milliseconds for, in this case, a 4 beat loop.
So how do I now get that in to something like this that cycles the 'LoopCount' variable in time with the loop -
loop 4 ? repeat_start_instant 'LoopCounter' [THE ABOVE] & cycle 'LoopCount' 16 : repeat_stop 'LoopCounter' & set 'LoopCount' 0
Thanks in advance.
Posté Mon 01 Oct 18 @ 1:50 pm
Not sure if this can be done, will take a look.. but in the meantime the real question is ..
- Do you want to know how many times the loop is active so that you know when to disable it. ?
- Do you want some procedure/action to set a loop and also set how many times it will be repeated, at the time you trigger the loop ? In this case, the native "Loop Out" Effect may be useful.
- Do you want to know how many times the loop is active so that you know when to disable it. ?
- Do you want some procedure/action to set a loop and also set how many times it will be repeated, at the time you trigger the loop ? In this case, the native "Loop Out" Effect may be useful.
Posté Mon 01 Oct 18 @ 2:23 pm
It's purely just to indicate how many times it's looped. So if you exit the loop you can see when to do it in time with the beats/bars.
Posté Mon 01 Oct 18 @ 2:47 pm