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Sujet how to scan tracks

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Hi :)
Is it possible to scan my tracks - but only the ones that have not already been scanned already?

Posté Thu 17 Jan 19 @ 7:45 am
easily. open folder with tracks you want scanned. click to sort by bpm. scroll to where there is no bpm data, click to highlight first one then scroll down and shift+click to highlight them all and right click to select analyze

Posté Thu 17 Jan 19 @ 8:11 am
that's fantastic!
It worked fine :)

Posté Thu 17 Jan 19 @ 11:08 am
Or create a filter folder isscanned = 0 and exists = 1

Posté Thu 17 Jan 19 @ 11:20 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
What kradcliffe has suggested is the proffered way. A track could show a BPM value, but this could have come from Tags or calculated from older versions of VDJ (or older BPM engines), so when loaded it may be scanned too. The filter folder as above, will indeed provide you any files that exist in your DB and not yet scanned.

Posté Thu 17 Jan 19 @ 3:04 pm

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