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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet Considering an upgrage in controller........

Ce topic est ancien et peut contenir des informations obselètes ou incorrectes.

I presently have a Hercules RMX that I bought almost 10 years ago that came with a limited edition of virtual dj. I upgraded to the VDJ Pro about a year later and love the setup. I am however considering upgrading my controller to a Pioneer one. I'm looking for suggestions and input from you all, so thank you in advance.


Posté Sun 17 Feb 19 @ 3:00 am

Pioneer sell controllers from $199 to $3500

Posté Sun 17 Feb 19 @ 3:02 am
I'd rather stay under 1500. I have heard some good things about the ddj 1000, but really no need for me to go over 1500.

Posté Sun 17 Feb 19 @ 3:15 am
Decapone126 wrote :
I have heard some good things about the ddj 1000

Well there you go. Check out the existing thread(s) here and decide for yourself.

There's currently an issue with the jog wheel displays when used with a Mac, but if you're on PC then you'll be fine.


Posté Sun 17 Feb 19 @ 9:11 am
Thanks. I use a PC.

Posté Sun 17 Feb 19 @ 6:48 pm
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
I actually prefer the layout and size of my DDJ-RX. Have a look at that and the SX(2,3) to see if they will work for you.

Posté Sun 17 Feb 19 @ 8:41 pm
blckjck wrote :
I actually prefer the layout and size of my DDJ-RX. Have a look at that and the SX(2,3) to see if they will work for you.

Thank you..

Posté Sun 24 Feb 19 @ 1:49 pm

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