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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet VDJ 8 Search Results

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I am in the process of rebuilding my entire music library from scratch. I am trying to create Virtual Folders. In order to find the correct material for inclusion in the folders, I am doing searches. For instance I am setting the search criteria to the word "alternative" in just the Genre field. But the results are showing entries that have "alternative" in any field in the tag, instead of just occurrences in the "Genre" field.

Other searches are not producing results that I can see individually should be included in my search result.

How do I get the search results to produce the correct data? What am I doing wrong?

Posté Wed 20 Feb 19 @ 7:11 am
Either untick all the other seatch criteria or create a filter folder Genre contains "alternative"

Filter folders are better because they are dynamic and update automatically

Posté Wed 20 Feb 19 @ 7:41 am

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