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Sujet Adjust curve of channel faders

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Is there a way to adjust the curve of the channel faders? I need 0-100% volume between 50-100% of the fader position

Posté Fri 19 Apr 19 @ 1:16 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
This is possible by using a crossfader

"crossfader_curve" : select the curve of the crossfader. enter a value to adjust the slope from a X curve (0%) to a inverted-U curve (100%).
You can also specify common curves by name ("smooth", "full", "scratch", "cut").
Or you can draw your own curve, using a syntax like 'crossfader_curve "0=[1,0]/0.5=[1,1]/1=[0,1]"'.

But for slider, verbs "fader_curve" and "levelfader_curve" exist
You'll have to experiment with "fader_curve" as this is not documented for that

"levelfader_curve" : select the curve of the level faders. 0% is a linear curve, 50% (default) is a quadratic curve, 100% is a cubic curve (Synonym for fader_curve)

Posté Fri 19 Apr 19 @ 2:18 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
param_add -0.5 & param_multiply 2 & level

Posté Fri 19 Apr 19 @ 2:51 pm
Thanks for the tips. I'm getting closer with
volume & levelfader_curve 100%

I've been playing with fader_curve. I'm guessing the decimal number is the volume, and [1,1] is the middle of the fader, or vice versa.
volume & fader_curve "0=[1,0]/0.5=[1,0]/1=[0,1]"
volume & fader_curve "0=[1,0]/0.0=[1,1]/1=[0,1]"

Like this locodog? Sounds right but often sticks at 0%
volume & param_add -0.5 & param_multiply 2 & level

Posté Fri 19 Apr 19 @ 6:00 pm

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