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Sujet Couple questions about S4 Mk3 mapping

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Hello. I have 2 questions.
1. Is it possible to change default decks colors? I have tried to change "led deck color" in the mapping, but it change only "deck select" button, not the jog led etc.
2. Vdj does not save effects on decks "C" "D". When i restart vdj, all 3 slots are empty, but it works well with decks "A" and "B". Any ideas, why?

Posté Mon 22 Apr 19 @ 7:16 pm
Already posted here two days ago.

Why are you asking the same question again in a new post?

Posté Mon 22 Apr 19 @ 7:35 pm
Because i didn't get answers there and i hope much more people here, in this forum thread and someone will help me.

Posté Mon 22 Apr 19 @ 8:54 pm
It's only been two days, and it was the Easter weekend (lots of people taking a break).

Posté Mon 22 Apr 19 @ 9:05 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
The LED_JOGRING_COLOR is assigned as... get_deck_color 'absolute' ... which automatically returns the default color of the left/right deck (blue for deck 1 , red for deck 2, etc)
You cant change the default color decks, so if you want different colors for the Jog leds, you will need to use the color '' action.
color 'red' (will set all jogs leds to red)
device_side 'left' ? color 'blue' : color 'red' (left side to blue, right side to red)
device_side 'left' ? deck 1 leftdeck ? color 'blue' : color 'green' : deck 2 rightdeck ? color 'red' : color 'orange' (left deck 1 to blue, left deck 3 to green, right deck 2 to red and right deck 4 to orange - which is the default ones btw, so change the colors to your preference).

By default, the Effects on decks 3 and 4 are indeed empty. But if you select one, it should be saved across sessions. If not, perhaps there is a write permission on the settings.xml file that prevents from saving.

Posté Tue 23 Apr 19 @ 9:22 am
Thiank you very much for answers. I understood how it works with colors of jogs etc.. But there is still problem with effects on deck 3\4. I have noticed it works fine, if i use 4-decks skin, but it doesn't save effects for decks "C" "D" in 2-decks skin.

Posté Tue 23 Apr 19 @ 9:20 pm
gegenava wrote :
it doesn't save effects for decks "C" "D" in 2-decks skin.

A 2 deck skin by it's very nature only has deck A and B / 1 & 2. The clue is in the name.

Posté Wed 24 Apr 19 @ 4:44 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
gegenava wrote :
I have noticed it works fine, if i use 4-decks skin, but it doesn't save effects for decks "C" "D" in 2-decks skin.

Confirmed, will report and see if this can be fixed.


Posté Wed 24 Apr 19 @ 4:56 pm
Thank you!

Posté Wed 24 Apr 19 @ 7:06 pm
groovindj wrote :
gegenava wrote :
it doesn't save effects for decks "C" "D" in 2-decks skin.

A 2 deck skin by it's very nature only has deck A and B / 1 & 2. The clue is in the name.

You can use 4-channel controller and 2-deck skin.

Posté Wed 24 Apr 19 @ 7:57 pm

Posté Wed 24 Apr 19 @ 7:57 pm

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