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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet Mapping sb3 fx pads on ddj 1000

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Hi all,
I had a pioneer ddj sb3 for two years and was really good feeling.
last month i upgraded my controller and bought a ddj 1000.
I prefer go on using vdj instead of rekorbox; more familiar and using it since long time.
So I'm asking your help because i'd like to map the fx pads of ddj1000 with the default fx of the sb3
(the hp and lp filters short and long and the loops 1 & 4 fades with the slicing effects)
but i'm really not able at mapping in the editor.
Can anyone help me doing that ?

Thanks to anyone will

Posté Mon 16 Mar 20 @ 2:46 pm

The fx-fade pads on the SB3 are hardcoded in the hardware on the controller..
But possible to map something similar in software on pads.. .

For backspin parts effect_slider 1 'backspin' 25% and one longer for the longer one ..
And the others are loop outs, and filters that are part of the software..

Would be a little bit advanced scripting, but totally doable ;-)

Can learn how to script and syntax to use here :

Posté Tue 17 Mar 20 @ 9:48 am

Posté Tue 17 Mar 20 @ 10:19 am

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