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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet Bowser info field Extension of the hashtag function
I want to mark multiple files in the browser-info-field and use the hashtag function to activate / deactivate different entries for user 1 and user 2 but the entries are only ever activated in one file.
Please add the ability to edit multiple files!

Posté Sat 02 Dec 23 @ 11:10 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013

Posté Sat 02 Dec 23 @ 11:39 pm
Hi Locodog, Thanks for the feedback!
Your script is great but not quite suitable for what I want.
I would like to have this implemented in the program so that
you can set the hashtags with a single press of a button.

Posté Sun 03 Dec 23 @ 9:49 am
Benz Werner wrote :
I want to mark multiple files in the browser-info-field and use the hashtag function to activate / deactivate different entries for user 1 and user 2 but the entries are only ever activated in one file.
Please add the ability to edit multiple files!

This is possible in all other DJ programs, but not in VDJ! When is it coming to VDJ?


Posté Sun 10 Dec 23 @ 5:02 pm
Benz Werner wrote :
Hi Locodog, Thanks for the feedback!
Your script is great but not quite suitable for what I want.
I would like to have this implemented in the program so that
you can set the hashtags with a single press of a button.

The work around is to group the tracks u wanna hastag in the sidelist or hv them in a playlist, select all and use the tag editor to fill in the user field with the title u want.

Posté Tue 12 Dec 23 @ 11:00 am