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Sujet record/broadcast box
Can anyone help me edit the Pro Skin to show the record/broadcast box (which is normally shown when i click master) on the top of the screen next to the sandbox.



Posté Tue 02 Jan 24 @ 12:32 am
Which part do you actually need?

That area has three buttons and a window that displays info on the recording or broadcast. The strip along the top edge of VDJ isn't big enough to accomodate the buttons and the info box.

If you only need one of the buttons, you could assign that function to a custom button.

Posté Wed 03 Jan 24 @ 10:28 pm
I would like to see the record and broadcast display. I know i can set custom buttons to start recording or broadcasting, but id like to see the display on the main screen. Would be even better to be able to click on the display box itself to start & stop the function. Maybe have record before the beat counter and broadcast on the other side of the beat counter.

Posté Wed 03 Jan 24 @ 10:58 pm
OK then you need to consider where that display box is going to go.

Posté Wed 03 Jan 24 @ 11:02 pm
I think it should be next to the sandbox

Posté Wed 03 Jan 24 @ 11:10 pm
Here's an image of that area:

Considering the width and height of the info box, where is it going to fit?

Posté Thu 04 Jan 24 @ 10:19 am
For me I don't use the sandbox so I'd be ok removing it If also be ok adding the display on the other side of the beat counter. Again for me it's a way to see that broadcast or record are enabled

Posté Thu 04 Jan 24 @ 7:05 pm
Put that into the pro.xml file.
try it.

<group name="broadcast" x="35" y="45">
<textzone x="+0" y="+5">
<size width="178" height="14"/>
<text fontsize="10" align="center" color="textdarker" text ="RECORD/BROADCAST"/>
<pos x="+10" y="+22"/>
<size width="158" height="50"/>
<off shape="square" color="dropdown" border_size="1" border="bordercolor" radius="5"/>
<pos x="+10+4" y="+22+4"/>
<size width="158-8" height="50-8"/>
<text fontsize="11" color="textoff" align="center" action="broadcast_message 'full'"/>
<button class="button_master" x="+10" y="+22+50+7" width="48" height="25" action="record" text="REC" localize="true"/>
<button class="button_master" x="+10+55" y="+22+50+7" width="48" height="25" action="broadcast" text="BCAST" localize="true" visibility="not get_lemode"/>
<button class="button_master" x="+10+55+55" y="+22+50+7" width="48" height="25" action="record_config" text="FILE" localize="true" visibility="not get_lemode"/>


Posté Thu 04 Jan 24 @ 10:02 pm
Wollerosekauf... Thank you , you gave me something to work with. I made some tweaks and came up with this.

If anyone has thoughts on how to improve it, please let me know. Right now its usable for my needs but I think it could better. I'd like to change the bcast & rec buttons to a drop down like the layout tab

<group name="broadcast" x="35" y="45">
<textzone x="+0" y="+5">
<size width="178" height="14"/>
<pos x="+1085" y="-41"/>
<size width="158" height="35"/>
<off shape="square" color="dropdown" border_size="1" border="bordercolor" radius="5"/>
<pos x="+1085+4" y="-50+4"/>
<size width="158-8" height="50-8"/>
<text fontsize="10" color="textoff" align="center" action="broadcast_message 'full'"/>
<button class="button_master" x="+1030" y="-15-20+7" width="48" height="25" action="record" text="REC" localize="true"/>
<button class="button_master" x="+1050+-20" y="-25-30+7" width="48" height="25" action="broadcast" text="BCAST" localize="true" visibility="not get_lemode"/>


Posté Fri 05 Jan 24 @ 12:42 am
no problem...

in pro.xml search for
-----> group name="layout_options"

then search for
-----> </submenu>

maybe after -----> <item text="Bar Counter" localize="true" action="skin_panel 'barcounter'" check="skin_panel 'barcounter'"/>
comes a </submenu>

put that behind it (we make a new submenu):

<submenu text="RECORD/BROADCAST" localize="true">
<item text="REC" localize="true" action="record"/>
<item text="BCAST" localize="true" action="broadcast"/>
<item text="FILE" localize="true" action="record_config"/>

change what i wrote earlier to:

<group name="broadcast" x="650" y="0">
<size width="158" height="50"/>
<off shape="square" color="dropdown" border_size="1" border="bordercolor" radius="5"/>
<size width="158-8" height="50-8"/>
<text fontsize="11" color="textoff" align="center" action="broadcast_message 'full'"/>

then test it again

hope it helps

Posté Fri 05 Jan 24 @ 9:38 pm