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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet: More Video Effects ?
I'm aware of the resolume vj software, but for what i want to do is overkill....just wondering if there is a way to use 3rd party video plug ins in VDJ - I've searched the forum, the only thing I found was a code your own set up, which was cool, but a whole new project in itself...I'm looking for something simple to drop in some of the 3rd party Freeframe / resolume type dll plug ins into the plug in folder....they seem to work but the mappings are all wrong, maybe a wrapper type plug in to rewire those old school effects to vdj ? Just stuff like kaleidascope, and like the tunnel / wormhole wrap / warp effects in arkaos grandvj - nothing complicated, just a bit more basic variety to randomly have fun without having to hook up extra software and gear. simple light stuff.

Posté Tue 20 Aug 24 @ 3:03 pm