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Forum: General Discussion

Sujet: problème affectation cdj2000 nexus
Hi, I was early to test before my Saturday performance in a private club where there are 2 cdj 2000nxs + djm900 nxs2. I managed to connect the pc and vdj to the control room as I had already done previously with a djm900nxs2 + cdj3000. On the other hand, I was wrong in the assignment of the cdj. I find myself with vdj which in the order from left to right makes the order of 3124 and I have the 1 which controls my physical plate of right cdjm3000 and plays on the djm on the way 3 if one puts an order 1234. So conversely I have the 2 in vdj which is on the left cdj and the channel 2 in the djm. Know how to put everything back correctly as with a denon prime controller 4, ie vdj mode 3124 the 1 that plays on the left cdj and djm on track 2 and vdj track 2 plays on cdj right and djm on track 3? Thank you in advance.

Posté Tue 27 Aug 24 @ 8:45 pm
You may want to start with the Pioneer DJM Club Setup page
In all cases, the mixerOrder option controls the layout of the mixer (3124 vs 1234 and I assume you already have this as 3124, which is what I think you are asking to go back to, if not you should), and CDJs are layed out as controllers for the decks based on the order of their detection (and in all cases it's prob better to start play in internal mode and power them on in the sequence (1, 2, 3, 4)), so the assumption is they are laid out incorrectly because the sequence of detection caused. Detection depends on the way they are connected (which you didn't explicitly share):

  • HID via Link (i.e. mixer + CDJs connected via a Network hub, one USB from mixer to computer)
    The Link protocol normally auto assigns CDJs based on when they are discovered on the local network. If they are discovered incorrectly you'll have to use the Utilities menu on the CDJs themselves to change deck assignment.

  • Direct USB connection of CDJs
    They are assigned based on when the OS detects them on the USB Bus and are listed separately in the Comtrollers tab. If they are assigned incorrectly, you can change the order in their mapping section under the Controllers tab.

It most likely is easier to just power them off and back on in correct sequence though (cover the gap with internal mode play for the outgoing/incoming DJ if switchover is happening).

Thank you vinyltouch for your answer. I'm on link only one usb to my laptop.