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Sujet: Journalist Single Reviews

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Just wondering what everyone's opinion is on how tracks are reviewed. I know everyone has opinions on various styles of music, but shouldn't every release get a fair review?

My local newspaper has a team of reporters who take turns to review new singles and anytime there is a dance single reviewed it's branded 'rubbish'.

One reporter in particular has anoyed me yet again last week whilst reviewing M Factor - Mother. Fair enough it's not my favourite style but here's the review.

'I have no hesitation dumping this in the sin bin, however I know there must be someone out there who likes this over-mixed dancey noise but who are they and why haven't the men in white coats been to take them away yet'

Other comments in the past have included 'people who listen to this electronic noise need chemical substances to enjoy it'

Statements like that really anoy me. Perhaps the paper is aimed at the older generation of readers, but then again that includes me, I'm 38 and probably older than most of the reviewers.

Do you think the comments are justified or do you think every single, no matter what the genre should be given a fair review.

I'd appreciate your opinions on this as I'm thinking about voicing my opinion in a letter to the paper.

Posté Mon 08 Jul 02 @ 10:40 am
Just coz they have a demented taste in music, doesnt mean they have to inflict their bullsh*t oppinions on uss... they can go put their reviews where the sun dun shine!!!

.::DJ Ben Jammin::.

i agree completely. It's bullshit. Electronic music is just like any other music. It's an artform. If you dont dig it, thats fine. I mean, i fucken hate country. But, i still recognize it as an art. The people who say stuff like that dont belong in their position because they don't have an open mind. Someone who reviews music must have some theory knowledge and respect for all art forms.

People who publish reviews on anything should really be qualified to a certain extent, ie. they should know what they're talking about! The solution is simple: don't buy the newspaper. In any case, if you want decent reviews on anything, you should buy specialist publications. In this case, dance magazines or local clubbing guides.

Thanks for the feedback. I don't pay too much attention to the reviews as they aren't professional enough, I'm just anoyed that they don't just bring down electronic music but the listeners as well. I'm gonna write a letter anyway.

The worst offender used to live in the flat above me so perhaps 18 months of hearing 'thump thump thump thump' through her floorboards has put her off electronic music for life. (although she never complained once) ;) LOL

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