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Sujet: Disable Gain

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Is there any way to disable the gain controls? I accidentally clicked my mouse on the gain level bar, it nearly blew my speakers out. In any case, I am not sure how useful these gains are except as another set of volume control. Could someone illuminate me on the usage of these gain controls? It seems to me that they could do more damage than good. What they can accomplish could easily be accomplised by wider range volume controls.

Posté Sun 22 Sep 02 @ 2:59 pm
I think there is no way. But, edit skin (bpm file) and paste with a brush on the gains.

As I am new to this software, I have no clue how to paste anything on anything. Thanks anyway.

I've made a suggestion for the gain control which I *hope* the programmers will listen to, but...

The gain control as it is now changes a fixed amount per pixel movement. This mean that for every pixel you move the gain slider, the gain will change approximately .5 to .6

However, problems like your arrise when you accidently hit the gain on large sliders. Since the gain moves a fixed amount, if you have say 30 pixels of positive gain available, that means the gain can go as high as 17+.

The only solution I can think of now is to make sure skins limit the available movement of the gain, so that its adjustment range is limited. For skins already made, you can edit the .xml file yourself to limit the range the gain control moves.

Just check the help files for .xml on this site. Most skinners will keep the .xml file in order to make it easier to edit, so you sould be able to just follow along and find the values you need to change.

You can use a text editor and look for slider action="gain" (In case you cant see whats in the quotes since this board strips certain elemtents, it sould be gain). You sould have a line of code below that entry that says size width=xx height =xx. Change the value of height to something smaller and that will limit the range that the gain slider has. This is applicable to sliders that move up and down. For sliders that move left to right, change the width value. I'm not sure about round sliders since I personally dont like using them.


What's the purpose of gain controls anyway? I never use them. Can someone please explain?

freetochoose, edit your xml file: shearch the following term: "

GRRRR. I've losted my post for third time!!!

Ok, edit your xml file in Skin folder. Shearch line "Gain" (2x) and delete them.

Thanks a lot. I am using the Tascam skin. I changed the height from 95 to 40. The problem is that the gain can still go up to a very high level (around +30), but it won't go down. Which means if the slider is positioned at the center, the gain is at a very low level (around -28). That seems strange to me for it means only the top part of the slider is useful.

in the xml file, if the controls are knobs instead of sliders, there is a field called "sensibility" (at least i think that's what it's called) you can adjust it so that it will take a lot of mouse movement to rotate the gain knob.


If I delete the gain part in the .xml file, it just means I cannot control the gain on the screen because shortcuts cannot be set for gain controls. But the gain will still change by itself. I am setting auto gain to disabled, but the gains still move around by themselves without any intervention from me. Would it be a bit dangerous to lose the control of gains?

Just get dump this gain shit, and build in a good limiter like in ots-juke and
I really don't see the need for a gain because when it goes up the music will sound bad and even when i run autogain the gain will rise afther a while or it has to lift a song to much and it will sound like shit, result that i will panic and the adiance will think that the speakers are blowed up.


Got that team ;-)

why don't u disable auto gain ??

It's up to the DJ to maintain the gain level somewhat. When I'm working I try to remember to set the gain right around zero with the first song. Then as the night goes on, as it tries to move up a little or down a little I make manual adjustments. For instance, I'm playing along, and look down and notice that over the past hour or so the gain has moved up to say... 3... when I load the next song, I adjust the gain back to between zero & 1.5 and make a small adjustment on the mixer volume before I mix to it. Over the course of the night, you just try to take notice of what's going on with the gain. Once you adjust it, the next song you load will auto adjust to the same level... and so on


Thats what i mean you still have to adjust the gain because it goes up!, why not a limiter so the sound quality of every mp3 is the same like the rest and we don't have to worry about it anymore!.

Grtz Salva

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