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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet Loop

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It would be nice to add the Loop feature to the next version of AtomixMP3 - with ability to define starting and ending loop point (multiple loops maybe?), and also a hotkey to enter/leave the loop.

Posté Sun 24 Jun 01 @ 3:44 pm
dj2nvHome userMember since 2004
c'mon, be creative...!!
Set the point you wanna start the llop off at using the "M" key (or Cue button).. Then when u want the loop to end (go back to the begining of the loop) Hit "L"...
It works like a charm..!!

(its my new name)

Posté Mon 25 Jun 01 @ 1:34 pm
Are you kidding... It sounds terrible!
It's like having hugh scratch on your CD...

Looping is a great tool and I also think that it should be implemented in atomixMP3. That way you don't have to rush your mixing.



Posté Mon 25 Jun 01 @ 6:07 pm
DaSOHome userMember since 2001
sounds terrible? hmmm....
my favorite letter is 'L'
I actually collect letter L's. I currently have over 2000 in my collection. About 100 of those are computer keyboard 'L' buttons that I have worn out from looping so much!

Posté Wed 27 Jun 01 @ 5:27 am
alreaHome userMember since 2003
Always the same, Nero is a good nick, don't change.

Peace, alrea.

Posté Wed 27 Jun 01 @ 6:45 am
weLL... if 'L' works so weLL for you...then pLease teLL me how to Loop a song and simuLtaneousLy have it in sync with another song AND make that sound good.

And what if you want to Loop both songs... is there a doubLe-L key in your coLLection..? :)

pLease come up with something eLse than "practice makes perfect".

SincereLy yours .... JimNordic aka DJ CAN'TLOOP


Posté Wed 27 Jun 01 @ 9:11 am
Just wait till the new version is out you guys - you may all be pleasantly surprised.

Posté Sat 30 Jun 01 @ 9:26 pm

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