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Sujet: Auto mix function

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Please give us more control over the start & stop times when using the automix function.

I use this software djing weddings and for the cocktail & dinner hours I like to use automix.

Posté Fri 30 Nov 01 @ 9:21 pm
I sure 2nd that motion. Even in nightclubs & bars when you get there early and want to put a few tunes on while hanging out at the bar waiting to start. It'd also be good at the end of the night. I like to make my "thanks for coming out" closing announcement, then put on 2 or 3 slow songs to wind things down. I used to be able to go and sit down at the bar during these final tracks and rub elbows with the bar owner, or bartender. It's also a great time to throw in the owners favorite songs while you'r sitting there talking to him/her. I know there were other priorities in the 2.0 release, but I have high hopes that some type of actually useable autoplay update will be released some day soon.

Please :-)

If the bartender or club owner realizes that your computer can mix perfectly fine without you, he might just spend $1000 on a cheap coputer and $60 on a copy of atomix and tell you to go to hell. I say, stay with your machine at all times!

I can't agree with you at all. Doesn't matter what the computer can do without you. What matters is the 6-7 months I've spent encoding my archives, and being able to look the crowd over when it get's there, and selecting the right song for the job. You just can't do that in advance, and no club owner with any brains would even try. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't have the music library. Even CD players have autoplay fuctions. I'm not suggesting to cheat the night away, but every now and then we all have to use the bathroom.


Oh yeah, I thought of another very important reason for an automix feature that works. In the mornings while Mrs. Impressionsdj is getting ready for her "real job" I throw in a couple dozen of what 18 years of wedded bliss have told me are her favorite songs and make coffee. This starts her day off very nicely, and she appreciates it. But remember these are her favorite songs, the first few days she asked me why this one or that one got cut short, or why that one didn't start from the begginning. Sure, I could just load them up in the windows media player, but I have Atomix, who wants to mess with the media player playlist? Any DJ who is married knows the importance of keeping the Mrs. happy! :-)


He He, i thougt i was the only one thinking like you, i agree completly.

I i am using Atomixmp3 for 1 year now in my own club, and i love it.
But the biggest problem for the allround users like us is that you can't leave the computer for 10 min. because Atomix cuts songs off when the song has like 40 sec. left, and the volume of the diffrent mp3 especcialy the ones i have downloaded! are going to loud or to quet.

I sugeested to install a good dynamics proccesor like Otsjuke and a good fade in and out option!!!
so i can fill up the playlist and have a chat with sombody.

Now it looks like Atomix was only made for a house/trance etc. dj.

But it would be nice if there was some tought for the Party-jocks as well!!!, and don't forget a big group of barowners that would like a perfect programm for the slower day's aswell.
and i noticed that in v.2.0 you have to enable and disabel the autobeat matching, so when i am playing house music i use it but when i switch to disco i have to adjust the pitch of every song that i load because atomixmp3 will set the pitch for you before you even tocht the magic button or you have to disabel the autobeat matching in the config again!!! i liked the old way better.

1. a good dynamics proccesor (i even are willing to pai extra for it)
2. more controll in the fade in and out option.
3. The old way for autobeat matching.
4. a option to select a onscreen keyboard only to search for songs (i am using a tochscreen, with this option i can put the keyboard away)

Grts Salva.

Oke, yesterday i have sended a mail to Yan-x, to ask him if atomix is going to do somthing in the near future for the party-jocks and the allround users. this was his reaction on my suggestion:

The Atomixteam had as priority to launche v2, now it's there priority to fix all the small bug's.
yan-x also confirmt that atomixmp3 origenaly whas desinged for live Dj's (dj's that are standing the whole night by the pc)
The current atomix function is designt for house music NOT FOR PARTY-JOCKS!!!!!.

But he promised me that in the the near future the atomixteam will work on the autoplay (not the automix).

So whe have to wait :-((, for a dynamics proccesor and a good autoplay function!!!!

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