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Sujet Invidual TIME STRETCH button for each deck!

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Invidual TIME STRETCH button for each deck!

I've many times noticed that i can use time strecth without problems in some types of song, but when i enable it for that song, the currently playing song also gets stretched and starts skipping beats.. SUCKS!

Posté Sun 23 Dec 01 @ 9:04 am
i think that doesn't make sense!

Posté Mon 24 Dec 01 @ 12:21 pm
you are playing song with lots of bass with say +10% (not stretched)

now you want to bring some vocals or anything without bass in and make it sound better cause you may have to pitch it over +15% (will sound horrible).

NOW try turning the Enabling the Time Stretch, what will happen?


Posté Wed 26 Dec 01 @ 5:18 am

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