Might sound stupid... and I didn't want to come here but I really need the answer! Does anyone know how to make 20 or more songs play automatically? In other words, place 20 or 30 songs, hit play and walk away till all songs are completed! Sounds simple enough, but I just can't figure it out... any help would be genuinely appreciated!
Posté Sun 01 Jun 03 @ 7:30 am
WHY does this site KEEP saying that I'm DEMO user? I work HARD and bought the FULL version and I'm angry about this fact! I have my receipt and order #... What should I do? What would you do?
Posté Sun 01 Jun 03 @ 7:32 am
click the "modify my profile" link at the top of the page and put your serial number into your profile :)
Posté Sun 01 Jun 03 @ 8:53 pm
For your 1st question there's a small tab called "playlist" in the music section of the program now compile all of your favorite songs and make a playlist save it under an .m3u format (so u can play it in any other music player) now load it and select the star which is an automatic mixing be sure in the "options" menu all of the choices in the middle column are activated/enabled and your good to go....
as for the second question...
service@atomixmp3.com can help you out on that one!
as for the second question...
service@atomixmp3.com can help you out on that one!
Posté Sun 01 Jun 03 @ 8:54 pm
darn it i was one minute close to solving it (lol)
Posté Sun 01 Jun 03 @ 8:55 pm
you gotta be quick ;)
Posté Mon 02 Jun 03 @ 12:36 am