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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: Bad Bootleggers! Bad!

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This is the 3rd time the post below has dissapeared. Now I'm thinking I put it in the wrong forum so I try here now as I can't imagine why moderators would yank it. Moderator, if this being in the proper forum is not the issue and you yank it again, please email me direct or post an explanation as to why you object to it. Thank you.


I'm a loyal legit customer, think the software & vdj terrific, I applaud vdj's efforts to fight piracy and protect it's intellectual property -- if only for selfish reasons: so the company will prosper and continue to provide good future updates and upgrades. Shaming individual proven 'lamer' hackers via public forum is novel -- think I even saw one labeled as 'stupid boy' or something like that. I've seen a few posters clocked on their pirated software/serial #. Most don't dissapear & never post again after that. However, there's been a handful as of late that vehemently deny having bootleg software or cheat serial numbers, some of those claim to have a Hercules console. The answer to those that deny they are pirates are usually closed/locked threads or the continued staff acusation that they they're lamerz as u call them. All good if this is indeed accurate. However, I haven't heard of any software or technology or record keeping process that is 100% accurate all the time. Is there any possibility that a couple of these folks could be legit? I'd think that if they were legit, they'd prove it by emailing their receipt & order info and you'd correct their status to 'user'. If this has happened on some rare occasion or does in the future, I'd hope that vdj would publicly post an apology after such a public accusation (side note: I'd suggest to never again use 'stupid' in any label. Regardless if it's true, it just sonds sophmoric & unprofessional. Again, if they're all absolutely beyond a doubt bootlegers, shame those guys to a point. If not, I'd hope amends would be made. Just another perspective. Keep up the good work with the program.

Shame on you hackerz!

Posté Wed 31 Mar 04 @ 5:17 pm

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