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I know this has been mentioned before and hate to beat a dead horse but how about a users forum and a non-users forum. I am sure the loyal VDJ users will visit and comment both. I am sure I am not the only one that frequents this site for support and new ideas. It had helped me build my newest system. But this clutter of people who didn't buy the program with complete b/s really gets to me sometimes. If you don't like the demo or your cracked version doesn't work as well as you want it, or the 1.3 version you have is too slow let them complain in their own place so the rest of us can get down to business. I don't mean to sound rude and I know not all demo users are this way but we know the majority are and it ruins this forum a bit at times. I feel everyone here has helped make VDJ what is and continue to grow it. Password protect our own area so we can get down to the business of making this product better. Console edition user and above. You buy the software that could be a benefit. "Access to the planning and users area where you can help us grow." How about it?

Posté Wed 19 Oct 05 @ 3:17 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
I'm sure we can have an alternative to get everybody happy! (or many of us at least)

Posté Wed 19 Oct 05 @ 5:53 am
vartoHome userMember since 2005
ı dont known an englısh help me?

Posté Wed 19 Oct 05 @ 6:41 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
Varto, I don't know what language use with you if you don't understand english in an english forum, how can I help you? ... mmm, Is this a good example?

Posté Wed 19 Oct 05 @ 6:48 am
ACW - learn turkish ;-) LOL

Posté Wed 19 Oct 05 @ 11:43 am
That works for the people who spent their hard earned cash, but it could be a downfall to the sale of VDJ software. Every forum is going to have it's trolls and inexperienced "I no buy program and cracked version blow up may speakerz..." posts You just need to learn to ignore them. If you see a poster that's going to be an idiot and frustrate you when you try to assist them, and they continue to not help you help them, just move on.. I'm sure even some of the people that buy this software are going to annoying, not saying anyone here is, it's just a possibility.

Being a recent buyer of VDJ...
Without being able to read posts from the actual registered owners of VDJ I would have probably not purchased the software. Seeing all the fixes to the issues I had in these forums and also reading about the problems demo users were having and then the same users having the problems solved with the registered version is a good selling point. I was absolutely frustrated at one point feeling like I was not going to get any assistance unless I bought the software, pushing away demo users more than you are now and segregating them like that would not be the best idea.

Reading about people's setups and how they have integrated VDJ into their performance, reading about how awesome the product is and how great someone's set was last night is the gravy I needed to put down my money to buy this program. If you hide that away and put a bouncer at the door with a clipboard I'm thinking it's not going to work out well. Exclusive membership works great to promote a club, I don't see that happening with software that is widely available for free (illegally) on the web.

Just my opinion


Posté Wed 19 Oct 05 @ 3:53 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Don't you guys have the ability to raise the level when you start a thread or post?

I don't remember what level that occurrs at, but it would fix this problem certainly.

You can't expect people to respond positively if they feel a cold sholder, it's human nature.

There just are more who come on as full users than stick to the crack habit, it's the only positive method IMO, good for them, good for us, good for the company.

But, no licence users should mind your manners and don't assault the program or developers in posts.
Most of this is spelled out pretty well in the sticky's and other threads.

If you don't like the content or posters, just ignor it.

Posté Wed 19 Oct 05 @ 4:04 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
Rick, I'm Ultra-Vip which means I'm only down from support member (I think so, or I'm wrong?). I could rise my post to a higher level (1 to 5 could be my options) and it would be very nice to have these options.

GiraffeHunter have a very good point, I reconsider... you're right. Is better to have all the participation of full users in all the forums...

Posté Thu 20 Oct 05 @ 3:40 am
Probably "read only by non license users" should be the solution for some forums.

The idea is not to ignore them, but to aware of messages
of type "my headphonez nut workin dudez, I using crack, btw. U be cool"

but pasted as a reply in 10 different off-topic forums with topics like "advanced TCV configuration" or "Rest in pieces my speakers". I think that's annoying when a forum goes offtopic
with those type of messages.

I will gladly support nonlicence users, but in the apropriate forum. Many newcomers don't know the rules so probably if they had enabled only what's allowed/desired they will post only where they can and not spread to the whole forum.


Posté Thu 20 Oct 05 @ 10:19 am
@ lopez453

Read only is not a bad idea..

Posté Thu 20 Oct 05 @ 10:48 pm

I like that...

Posté Fri 21 Oct 05 @ 1:57 am
I meant to have it this way (levels) but just restrict some forums for posting by NLU.

And for example I don't have such an option when I post, just i my blogs there min level setting.

Posté Fri 21 Oct 05 @ 1:07 pm

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