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Sujet TCV/TCCD whish-list for the new version - Page: 3

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djemceePRO InfinityMember since 2005
I currently use another Computer dj program with amazing sound quality. I bought the Virtual DJ for the video features as well as some other cool options. The only problem I have is the sound quality of the output sounds distorted as compared to my other program OTS. I am trying to switch over, but when I play the programs back to back, the OTS has dynamic sound when VDJ has a somewhat distorted sound. Maybe the new sound update you are adding may clear that up. And yes I have tweeked every possible angle that I know of.


Posté Sat 14 Jan 06 @ 10:49 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Strange really.., I had a party at my house tonight playing to other proffesional DJ's and getting compliments of great sound quality.., settings and hardware go a long way when you've got the balance right, many people leave auto gain on or adjust it in software, for optimal sound quality leave the gain exactly where it is by default on a per song basis, and adjust at the mixer.

Having said this there is room for improvement, but Virtual DJ's new sound engine is going to be perfect I'm sure.

However I fail to understand those that shun the software when the quality is actually good, most probably don't help themselves in terms of sound quality, but I know compared to some other programs VDJ lacks a bit, just not enough to go mad about, not when most people find it perfectly fine.., however it's all being dealt with.

Posté Sun 15 Jan 06 @ 7:09 am
Mabey I missed it but a way to change visualazations on the fly would be sweet

Posté Sun 15 Jan 06 @ 7:16 am
Dev staffHome userSenior staffMember since 2003
note to VIPs: there is a beta available in the vip section that implements most of what has been discussed here.

Posté Sun 15 Jan 06 @ 6:41 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
@Dev Staff, I like your style ;).

Posté Sun 15 Jan 06 @ 6:46 pm
One thing that would be quite handy for those only with 1 TT or maybe using both yet like to de-activate the TCV to get a constant pitch and no fluctuation would be to have the VDJ pitch sliders move to what the TT reading is.

VDJ already detects the pitch increase from the TT so maybe if the sliders were to follow instead of staying at 0%. Not sure if this is possible but would sure save the use of having to use the mouse in order to match the bpms using the VDJ pitch slider. This can also be useful if one of your TTs or CD decks breaks down mid set and you only have a good deck to work with for the remainder. Would sure save the use of bringing backup equipment for your gigs.

Posté Sun 15 Jan 06 @ 10:44 pm
l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Can I become one of the VIP members? lol

Posté Mon 16 Jan 06 @ 1:47 am
yeah, man how does that work?

Posté Mon 16 Jan 06 @ 1:50 am
djejPRO InfinityMember since 2004
lol..white devil take the time and test pls. i'd like to hear your thoughts.

Posté Mon 16 Jan 06 @ 3:50 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Sadly VIP's are forbidden to discuss the details of the beta's on the general forum, but Dev team is becoming more open here for sure.

Posté Mon 16 Jan 06 @ 4:59 am
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
But it's in a good way.., the only i can say..
It's ...6.22 in the morning and i'm writing a (possitive) review after a full night using it at work..

Posté Mon 16 Jan 06 @ 5:23 am
Man u guys r killing me with this. Are u allowed to give a date?

Posté Mon 16 Jan 06 @ 5:29 am
nope unfortunatelly we cannot. due to the fact that we test and then the dev staff takes a decision on when its officially released.

Much more to come from this beta however since this small beta are just a few of the many new features to come ;)

Posté Mon 16 Jan 06 @ 7:55 am
I like to be able use the beat lock using TCV. Right when I turn it on my computer drags, and sounds distortied

Posté Mon 16 Jan 06 @ 10:48 am
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
not sure if its the same as DVL but i would love if vdj would compensate for the turntable flutter/ pitch variation. Maybe if it did then beatlock would work, it would just mean better beat stability and mix control. Even the best TT's vary due to the motor but i dont see why the software can't auto correct and compensate. Also if VDJ reacted this way the TT pitch slider and VDJ pitch would be in snyc, not one or the other like it is now.

Posté Tue 17 Jan 06 @ 4:08 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
@Listen2: A lot is being done in regards to timecode as Dev team indicated :).

Posté Tue 17 Jan 06 @ 5:26 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
understood but didn't think that was mentioned. :) thanks

Posté Tue 17 Jan 06 @ 5:29 pm
guys if you want my solution to having a steady pitch its called "timecode active" ;)

just engage/disengage and you'll have a steady pitch so its no longer a big issue.

Best Regards

DJ White Devil

Posté Tue 17 Jan 06 @ 5:31 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
well that is true but deactivated you dont have any control and if you were to beatmix and then want to backspin the track or scratch something quickly you would then have to re-activate, which is a pain having to on and off it like that. Certainly i can see with your one TT setup you can deactivate and switch deck, which makes that easier to handle. 2 TT's it harder to keep straight in my head if i have one on or off, or what? unless of course the skin had a button. Yeah i guess thats a band aid of a fix but having VDJ and the turntable pitch working together would be nice, also it might allow timestretch to work with TT pitch.

Posté Tue 17 Jan 06 @ 7:43 pm
yeah I hear you Listen2

although having a fluctuation is all the joys of spinning with vinyl hehe. if you use 2 TTs it can also be done although since I'm using a midi controller to enable/disable the active on deck A and deck B I find this to be somewhat easier although its definatelly a band-aid fix.

Something to try with maybe 2 keyboard shortcuts if you don't have a midi controller.

Posté Tue 17 Jan 06 @ 10:27 pm