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Hello Virtual DJ Staffers, I'm back to leave another rant about vdj karaoke capability.

yes it runs karaoke, but it does not allow the working kj to actively maintain a rotation of singers. the sidelist is not what we need....

what we need is the ability to search for a karaoke track, click on it, and enter the singer's name. this will place it in a waitlist.. once the singer sings, the name will go to the bottom of the list, at which time we will be able to search for a new song, and right click on the song, and see a dropdown menu of all of the current singers, and add the new song to the singer's name.

the point of the list is not just to hold karaoke tracks, it's to hold the singer's place in the lineup.

when you've got 45 individual singers, it gets need the list to keep things straight.

this is my 3rd or 4th post about this, will I ever get a response from vdj?

you may not think that there's a huge demand for karaoke functionality, but I assure you, there are many of us here running sax n dotty's or roxbox or tricerasoft on the side, wishing we could do it all from one program.

PCDJ was on the right track, but very misguided... their kj plugin is cool, but unusable for a working kj. we don't need a kj module designed by a dj who doesn't understand what we need, we need a working rotation list! I beg you, please listen to professional kjs and implement the few features we need to use vdj to run our shows!!!!

without this tool, karaoke in vdj is simply a novelty, and not a feature, and should not be advertised as such!

any response will be appreciated.

Posté Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 4:59 pm
thats possible by plugin...
If anyone are up for writing such a plugin, or modify the "strip club" plugin for karaoke use...

I understand what you want, and would love to see VDJ have that too...
If no user will make a plugin, maybe the (way too busy) dev team have to take actions.

But there are good news for karaoke comming in VDJ4 ;) Not a waitlist unfortunately, but something else.. that I know you will love ;)


if no one makes the plugin just bring up notepad in the background and hold the list of names there. I get very use to having to memorize names. :(

I also use notepad. I am however hoping for a key up and down feature which I am hoping is what is being made for v4. Maybe even a better way to search. You know one for karaoke, one for videos, one for music, rather than going into seperate folders as I have done. But that works good for now.......



Yea Sax's smokes on the karaoke part of vdj. I know that vdj is still an infant in this area, but there is room to grow. A rotation list would be very nice. Also if it could be a little less particular about the way a file was ripped and zipped. The same files played on S&D that will not play on vdj. Several 1000's of songs reripped like the sticky suggest is just absurd. Well my $0.02 worth.

Steve, I think you are asking something UNREALISTIC...

As a professional KJ... I get PI$$ED off when I go to OTHER KJ's shows and see how they manipulate a rotation. You want a piece of software to dictate HOW your individual rotation should be run.

"AS" a professional, I can say that there is NO one perfect rotation, however, I have my own rotation that I do NOT deviate from and here it is:

I sing first at the TOP of my rotation. I keep a chalk board (or white board) somewhere near my rig and I write MY NAME on top... I sing first to make sure that everything is working properly, the stage monitors are on, the mics, and the sound is good. After I sing, I put the FIRST PERSON to hand me a song slip... their name REMAINS after my name... then I go as the singers give me songs slips... when I get to the bottom, I start right back at the top with ME. That way, everyone knows we've started over and there will be NO NEW SINGERS until the end...

The person who followed me before (assuming they put in a song slip) will sing right after me...

I also do the LAST song of the night because people will FIGHT for that position... once I'm done singing, NO BODY ELSE SINGS! PERIOD... it keeps fighting and anomosity to a minimum and I usually sing the same closing song that way everyone knows it is over.

I've tried other programs, and although they are more KJ friendly, I don't want to be just another KJ. VDJ opens up so many doors to be BETTER than just a KJ... to actually ENTERTAIN PEOPLE... Not all karaoke singers are "entertaining" as a GOOD KJ (if you think you are one) it is YOUR job to keep the audience entertained. IF you do it with Videos, or audio, VDJ gives you the ability to do it seemlessly... if you just want to be an AVERAGE KJ, go back to one of those other programs... I assure you that they WON'T care about things that matter like PERFORMANCE.... and ART.

Sorry, but I switched to VDJ from HOSTER at MTU... Although their software was good... it didn't give a rats a$$ about anything BUT karaoke... Sure they added the ability to play MP3s and videos, but it is NOT professional and seemless like VDJ is.

VDJ is the PARAMOUNT program to use if you see yourself as MORE than a KJ... if you don't.... you won't amount to more than that... KJs are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to gigs... we get paid the least for doing the most... I have an EXCEPTIONAL singing voice, a GREAT ear for sound, and can instincively REACT to my crowd and entertain them... I do ALL this with VDJ and love the innovation it provides.

Again, I think your desire to have VDJ "RUN" your rotation is unrealistic. There are many ways to run rotations and, personally, I feel mine is the best... because it is spelled out. The shows starts at 8:00 PM... if you stroll in at 1:30 AM and expect to get a song in for whatever reason, that's outrageous. I cater to people who support me and show up when the show starts... not at the end and think they deserve to sing because they haven't sung all night.

Unfortunately, some KJs feel this approach (putting singers up FIRST who haven't sung) is the right thing to do... expecting a piece of software to RUN this type of rotation just doesn't work. What if you have a special TWO for ONE song night? How do you expect the software to compensate.

You are asking for something UNREALISTIC, I'm sorry to have to break this to you.

Consider it a GOD SEND that VDJ keeps track of what songs have ALREADY been played!


Something I left out... if you have 45 singers... assuming that each singer sings a 4 minute song, that is 3 hours worth of singing.... I have always cut my rotations when I get to 30 singers because that's 2 SOLID HOURS of karaoke AT LEAST... I do 4 or 5 hour shows... in your 45 singer rotation, you'd be lucky if 1/2 of your audience got up to sing more than twice.... and NOT ALL KARAOKE SONGS ARE 4 minutes, plus not all singers are waiting at the mic to start singing after the next singer...

I kinda' sorta took offense to you insinusting that I was a wet behind the ears rookie who was never going to make anything nore of my show than what it is now because I don't agree with your rotation method. I'm not really offended, and I'm not starting a war, but I thought I'd have some fun and do a little muscle flexing....

ok, first off, if you look at my website, you'll see that I run 26 karaoke shows a week... well, my company runs, (i'm not superman)... I own an 11 year old company that has been full time for 6 years now. I have grown from 1 dj with 1500 songs on a cavs unit, to 13. we do about 25 weddings a year, and about 50 or so corporate and private gigs a year. I have 9 mobile rigs 4 trailers, and a partidge in a pear tree.

we run on average a 5-6 hour show. we have two 7 hour shows. we're in agreement there... longer shows are necessary.

You have your opinion on rotation, I have mine. I've retained Nearly All of my customers for over 5 years now...I am the provider for all of the Big Name Bars & Clubs... My company is the most popular company in atlanta for several reasons.I'm the bomb, just ask me! :) j/k

#1) we don't take tips..ever! I consider that panhandling, and it's unfair to the staff. charge a proper rate for a good show, and tipping isn't necessary.
#2.) if there's more than 10 singers in, the KJ will never sing... they're not here to hear us... I never open the show, nor do I close it... it's not about me.
#3.) I run my rotation the most common way..... so that everyone gets to sing. I run 15 in the first rotation, 15 in the second, old new old new. 15 in the third old old new old old new, and if it gets bigger, you add a fourth. singers get one song each. duets take someone's turn. this is the only fair way to take care of the people who have been there all night, and try to take care of the new singers. you screw 3 or 4 singers out of their songs by taking a spot in the rotation... you shouldn't be're working..... let me tell you from both a singer's and kj's perspective. your singers waiting to sing think you're a dick for singing... they don't want to hear you... they want to hear themselves.....and as for testing out the system, that's what your first singer is for... you can't make adjustments from the stage.... my guinea pig always gets two songs.... as for a two for one song night? I could never do that, my shows are too busy...

Now in the case of last night, at 8:00 I got handed 32 singer slips... the first rotation was 32 singers... everyone was there at the same time... I wouldn't dare put one of the first 15 to sing up again before all 32 sang... no one has a problem with that... that's fair!
#4.) I don't cater to kids. in fact with the exception on one show, I don't allow kids to sing.

my rationale for using an on screen rotation manager is for keeping everyone honest. If i'm gonna' wait 2 hours t sing my first song, I wanna' know that the list isn't changing. a rotating list on screen doesn't run my show for me, it just keeps the order straight, and let's everyone see that I'll never bump them up or down, nor will I move people in front of them. I cannot be swayed by a $20.00 bill. my reputation and integrity are worth far more than any tip. everyone knows that where they are on my list is where they'll stay. I have the list on the big screen all night.... I'll never move someone up, and only bump them down if they request it. if jesus christ himself walks in, he's gonna' have to grab a beer and wait to sing his AC/DC.

I had 48 individual singers over the course of last night at barnacles in kennesaw, and between 8:00 and 2:00 each person who stayed for a second song sung twice, with the remaining 3 or 4 getting a third. my rotation stayed at a pretty consistent 30-35 singers all night. that's the way it goes..... people know we have some shows where it's a 1 or 2 song show, and we have some that are 4 song shows.

You wanna' talk about going above and beyond? Being more than just a KJ? here's what I bring to the Karaoke table in my town.

I run roxbox and vdj. I have about 2000 videos, I have the entire sound choice spotlight series from day one until now. All legally purchased from prosing. I have chartbuster essential 450 1,2,3,4,5,6 I have the entire backstage, radio starz, dk, tropical zone spanish, sc spanish, star disc country, chartbuster country, and top hits monthly. I have 22,364 songs. 15,210 are individual songs with no duplicates. I have about 38,000 regular songs.

I take karaoke way too seriously! :)

My system consists of the following, and of course in a smaller venue, I'm not gonna' bring every piece in, but this is what's in my trailer at all times:

4 JBL srx 18" subs
2 Jbl SRX dual 15"
2 JBL mpro 15" stage monitors
3 QSC plx 3602 amps
2 qsc rmx 2450 amps
dac 3
DBX driverack
Rane MP-2
Rane MLM 42
Alesis nanoverb
Peavy Kosmos
Behringer Composer Pro Compressor / Limiter
900 gigs of storage
Two $600.00 Sennheiser evolution g2 dual diversity wireless mics
Two shure pgx 58 wireless mics.
antares vocal pitch correcter

4 l.e.d. par cans, 2 chauvet kinta lights, 2 american dj dj spot 250 fixtures all controlled with elation compuware.

I'm lugging around a 16,000 watt, $20,000.00 system for karaoke. I have a better sound system than any of the bars i play at. Of course as the owner, I'm gonna' have the mac daddy system, but my 9 karaoke guys have their own b-52 matrix system and laptop based system in a briefcase.

Karaoke and djing is all I do for a living man. I charge more than everyone else around here, I make the bars good money, and they wouldn't replace us if the new guy said he's do it for 6 months free! I know my business better than anyone else I know.

computers make ok dj's decent dj's, but there's no computer program that I know of that makes a kj a good kj.... as you know, you've either got it, or you don't!

I also don't believe in keeping the rotation going. Theres plenty of people that get it late and wanna sing a song, if you have a rotation whats the chance that they will ever get to sing? because they probably won't if you keep a rotation, and more than likely they won't show up ever again. I run the biggest Karaoke company in the Philadelphia Urban area. I won't get into how big our equipment is becuase that doesn't show our profesionalism or make us any better ..(I just hate typing)
but i have to agree with Steve keepin a constant rotation is not something you want to keep doing, but then again you know your crowd the best.

Nah, it doesn't show your professionalism, but it sure is fun! :)

I view it this way we're not there for free entertainment. if there's a bunch of people who show up every week religiously, like this alcoholics anonymous group that keeps finding me, they're not supporting me, they're taking away from my paying, drinking customers. I along with the bars, try to run them off. they bring 20 people, and they take up 4 tables, and they do nothing but complain, because all they're there for is to sing... they can't just kick back and relax and have a beer or ten. I'm there to make the bar money. I'm sorry that your 17 year old daughter gets tossed from the bar at 9:00, she may be the greatest singer known to man, but she's not makin' us money... The A/A folks may be the nicest people in the world, but it's not my fault you can't handle your shit.... don't come and run my waitresses around all night for a $3.00 diet coke tab and no tip.

the guys who show up at 12:00 lit up and start buying rounds of shots and want to sing are gonna get a shot at it if they want. they're probably horrible singers, they're gonna' wanna' sing friends in low places, it's gonna' suck, but they have a $250 tab going, the bartender is going to get a nice tip, he's gonna' be happy, the waitresses have full sections on a tuesday night, they're happy, the manager is happy, we're outselling trivia night and texas hold em' night combined, and I'm assured of having a job there for another couple years.

there's nothing worse than having a bar packed with tea drinkers who spend no money. your staff resents karaoke night because they're getting run around for little return. I always get a comp bar tab as part of my contract, but my servers know... even though the booze is free, I always tip 100% of my tab... so a $40.00 tab gets them a $40.00 tip. so many servers I know at other bars tell about how the karaoke guys don't tip at all.

if your venues love you and the staff loves you, then you're solid. don't worry about the singers so much. the ones who complain are usually the ones who aren't netting the bar a single red cent!


Thats always been a problem in every city with every karaoke company . We always get the non drinkers that want to sing all night long and just drink water. Your correct in putting these people last or even limiting the amount of songs they sing, it's so sad when customers don't understand that the bar/ club wants karaoke to make them more money not to have people taking up room. That right there is our responsibility to take care of, I'm not a shy person when it comes to this, if someone ask why they didn't get there 2nd or 3rd song up I tell them i have to take care of drinking customers first, if they leave oh well no loss. just more space for real drinkers, this will always continue to be a problem in every bar and is probably the number one reason places that look "full" have to cancel there Karaoke night. But this is a problem in every venue Dj, Kj they only excuse u should have for not drinking in a bar is --Working or designated drivers. beside that why take up the room?

Quote "beside that why take up the room? "

Spoken like a true philly kid!

I'm a jersey boy, I hear ya! :)


: ) how you wind up all the way down south? any big dif. in crowds? last time is was down there i was in the military, not too much going out though.

it's all about country, or urban... not alot in between..

thats what i thought it be like, best of luck to ya

Sorry we disagree on what seems like so much, but realistically, we see eye to eye on one thing, putting on the best show in town.

I am disabled and I do this as a hobby. I'm VERY GOOD at it and I too make bars money. If I don't get to sing, two things happen: 1) it becomes a job (I don't do jobs) 2) My loyal patrons complain that they don't get to hear me or a particular song or a change in the style of songs.

I owned a bar that I used to do karaoke in one night a week. I know the ins and the outs of the business from the Bars side and the KJs side. You're preaching to the choir here.

Packing a house with drinkers and people who enjoy themselves AND their booze is tip enough for my staffs... In a good show, I don't have time to drink $40 worth of booze, but I guarantee you that the bartender/wait staff earned the best tips on my nights.

We are TERRIBLY OFF subject... you RANTED about the karaoke rotation. I pointed out, I use a board THAT EVERYBODY CAN SEE... this protects me, and it provides a guage for people to know when they are coming up. My point, about your computer based rotation, was styles are different. I too would never take a tip or bribe to put someone up.

However, one night, one guy came in drunk from another bar at 1:30 in the morning and demanded that I let him sing... last song had been song and I was done... but he swore he'd get me fired.. I told him, "That's not happening." He went to the owner and talked to her and he came back upset... it wasn't happening... then I made him a proposition, I would let him sing a song for his girlfriend's birthday (which it probably wasn't) if he would buy a round of drinks for the house. He agreed, the bar got a free drink on him and he sang his song.

Everybody benefits or no dice. John Popper of Blues Traveler was at my show two and a half years ago and the show was packed. His fiance came over and asked when he was up next. I pointed to my rotation board and showed her where we were. She asked if I could bump him up. This was an Irish bar, and they love John Popper... I said no. There are only TWO people I would ever GIVE UP my stage for if they came into the bar, George Carlin and Mel Brooks... if you are neither of them, you go on the board, period. Why them? I love them. Maybe you have your own list, but Jesus might not ever get to sing on my stage, but again, I digress.

You have your $hit together, I'll give you that. You may be the best, especially with a pear tree, but you have to admit, there are a lot of BAD KJs out there and they give us GOOD KJs and up hill row to how, so I look down upon every KJ until they have proven themselves to me as I am the model I compare everyone else to. I believe I'm the best and am willing to believe there is someone better, and if I ever see it, I will admit that I have seen it... then I will study what makes that person better than me, and I will become better by having admitted it, embraced it and learned from it. I wasn't always the best, but I always had the passion.

Good Luck on that rotation solution you were ranting about.

I had this idea that I might try being a KJ. You guys have just given me a lesson. I now realize, that I will have to do a great deal of research before I make an investment. Being a great DJ, does not just translate into being a great KJ. I also enjoyed the way you guys have expressed yourselves. I have respect for all.

being a great Kj is all about knowing your crowd. were all gonna have diffrent views on the order of singers, and they way we run our indivisual bars/ clubs. I also dont like to have it become just a job so i sing when i can, usually i have so many singers that singing for me rarely happens, I've been Dj'ing since 14 im going on 31 this years and have been doing Kj Profesionally for the last 6 years along with Dj'ing when i get the chance (Kj'ing makes me more money) the change from Dj to Kj does need to be researched, you have to make sure thats it's something for you. It's a big change from Dj'ing as far as dealing with drunks and even ignorant people (might be the same thing). You have to be very patient
and always look like your having a good time
