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It will be good if we could @ least get some screenshots for VDJ This will pre-empt us as to what the layout will look like, what do you say about this Norway ???

Posté Thu 03 Aug 06 @ 10:51 pm
erxonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Search the forum, pic's have been posted.


Posté Thu 03 Aug 06 @ 11:01 pm
erxon wrote :
Search the forum, pic's have been posted.

Thats trying to find a needle in a hay stack, could you find it for us plz and post the link..THNX!!!

Posté Thu 03 Aug 06 @ 11:30 pm
Search, it's better, you'll be more happy ;)

Posté Thu 03 Aug 06 @ 11:31 pm
how about a video? ;)

(yes, could be found searchin the forum you lazy ***** hehe... lol .. Just kidding)


Posté Thu 03 Aug 06 @ 11:52 pm
Which forum is it in? I did a search and out of curoristy I had a look too but was not able to find anything.

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 12:41 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
This is the screen shot of Numarks new product, not actually VDJ 4.

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 1:20 am
Quote :
=dj-in-norway]how about a video? ;)
(yes, could be found searchin the forum you lazy ***** hehe... lol .. Just kidding)

hmmmmm...Norway, I expect better than that from you..anyway, still waiting in vain like Bob Marley~~~

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 9:43 pm
hehe... ait... if a video dont do...

here is the interface :

Here is the skin:

All from the mighty Google;)

Its from Numark version of VDJ, but VDJ4 is about the same .. ;)

Hope that lives up to the expectations... ;) hehe

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 10:10 pm
I found it...take look

(EDIT: This is a manipulated skin ;) look at post below for a real screen shot .. DjInNorway)

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 10:15 pm

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 10:17 pm
unless things have changed from the when the screen shot was made.. it seems the browser window is identical from the current version. Meaning no added support for ID3 tag support... disappointing...

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 10:36 pm
id3 tag support will be added.. worked on now.. but might not be for 4.0, but the 4.1 to come soon after first release...

Other features needed more attention, but dont worry:)

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 10:39 pm

so I guess the question now is when is Version 4.1 Released???
forget 4.0 ... not important... 4.1 is the pending question to us all now!! :-)

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 10:43 pm
I've noticed that when I scan my HD it shows the file name and not the title. Read Tag ID is enabled. So what exactly is the change?

Posté Fri 04 Aug 06 @ 11:38 pm
SupaconPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I'm just hoping that reliability improves. I'm glad to hear that the sound quality will be better, because I'm getting sick of my distorted 48khz dvds.

I can live without tags, because I don't use virtual DJ to search through my audio (only video)... but I sure hope that playlist behaviour improves. It seems that my playlist either disappears all the time for no reason. Also, I don't like how your playlist is gone when VDJ crashes (about once a night, for me), and also how the song disappears from the playlist as soon as it's loaded into the deck. If you want to preview the song in the deck, then decide to use another one, you've got to go and find the song again... what a pain :P

Oh well... first things first. I guess I shouldn't say anything until I see the actual V4, but rest assured that I'll have a formal list of suggestions or complaints and compliments too :)

Posté Sat 05 Aug 06 @ 1:22 pm
You can always use sidelist for that... No track will disapear from that place, until you manually drag it of the sidelist..

But maybe the playlist could have more options too :)

Posté Sat 05 Aug 06 @ 1:26 pm
dj-in-norway wrote :
You can always use sidelist for that... No track will disapear from that place, until you manually drag it of the sidelist..

But maybe the playlist could have more options too :)

Like an autosave for example?
Currently there is a playlist folder in the VDJ installation folder already, with a playlist for each day.
A "Current.m3u" could be created in that folder automatically or during the installation of VDJ. An autosave setting could be added to the config menu, which set the time interval in minutes for saving the file. During the gig when you drag songs to the playlist, this list will be saved regularly. When you close VDJ and reopen it, it will load all the songs in the current.m3u in the playlist again.

just an idea...

Note: Sorry it is not on topic.

Posté Sat 05 Aug 06 @ 4:14 pm
d rocksPRO InfinityMember since 2006
the V4 screen shot is pretty sexy I will say. Thanks for the video clip DJInNorway. I too am awaiting anxiously to see what new improvents are in it. One thing that is a kinda of a pain is you loose the video that is currently playing if you have another one cued. In one particular venue, I can see the screen from where I have to set up and would like to be able to keep up with it. Maybe this is possible in 3.4, I have tried sliding the xfader over and all it does is change the view on the big screen and not in the preview window. This screen shot appears to have more going on in the preview window area, right?

I noticed on another forum that another DJ software is anticipating the release of beatmatching By the end of Oct. WOuld V4 be just waiting around to be released to steal a little thunder, nevermind, I realize that no one can truly answer that. It's just good timing perhaps ;)

Posté Sat 05 Aug 06 @ 6:41 pm
When I was doing Software Engineering in University, I distinctly recalled that no matter how much testing is done by the Engineer(s) behalf, the true test will execute when the software hits the road which will provide all different scenarios and environment.

I move the notion that a BETA Edition is made available for downloading, to us Professional Users test it, then Norway post a sticky thread for feedbacks and suggestions....Seconded by ???

Posté Sat 05 Aug 06 @ 9:19 pm