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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: sleazy marketing - Page: 2

Ce topic est ancien et peut contenir des informations obselètes ou incorrectes.

You better stop...


i'm feel funny strange now i love virtualdj and all its brillant marketeers i mean come on it must of been hard to ask for a slightly eddited version of the real program your supposed to get

Are you being sacarstic?
(I'm being sacarstic)

Okay I'm leaving this thread. I don't have time to fight.

uhh i think i feel a ban coming on, i just realised something virtual dj isn't run by proffessionla marketting genius's its run by a two year old wearing diamond ring bought with are money witch was supposed to get us the full version AND GUESS WHAT it didn't no ,matter what the administrater says its not a full version.... and that is that (you'll never take me alive)

i think we're sightly getting of the topic of this thread.
Stop littering it.
If you must litter, do it at home, were we don't have to clean up after you.

We may never take you life but we'll take your account so you there will be no more of your rubbish! Hip,hip...Hoorah! ;)

let me ask you somthing djmm aren't you the same person who was rioting about the same thing a while ago... i'm sorry i can't hear you and by the way i'm not littering i'm stating the facts and your just sucking up after your sadly gave ibn to the administrater

Yes I am the same person infact but now i've come to my senses, a lot quicker than it seems to be taking you.
I hope it is too late. :)

please no not the legs "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" the administrater has broken into my house and is making me type nice things about virtuadj strange how the only way anyone praise's virtua; dj around here is because there afraid of being banned ... take that djmmm

Stop being silly.
We'll get the last laugh in the end ICEMASTER DJ.
That last laugh may be coming sooner rather than later...

Infact all your stupid psots should be deleted!

i'm going into a different forum because this one has been graced with my superior knowledge of marketing TAKE THAT VIRTUAL DJ

N.B PEACE Y'ALL (eccept virtual dj which i now ....LOVE oh my arm oh god someone help me


We know Icemasterdj is another nickname you or friend use

You try another time this game and YOU will be banned


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