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Sujet: Karaoke plug in does not play original CDG's!

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I purchased VDJ 2 because of it's Karaoke abilities, but now I find that on original Karaoke disks, it only recognises the audio track and not the .CDG file, although it plays MP3+G's okay. I need this to play original disks due to legalities here in the DVDR is a Plextor P708A and that is one of the few drives that does recognise .CDG tracks so why is it not working from disks?



Posté Thu 08 Jul 04 @ 5:19 pm
I use the same and it is working fine. DO you have the two seperate files named correctly? An exact match?

works fine here too :)
the sound and graphic file must be in the same folder...

Yes they are the same filename....just a message comes up in the plugin saying 'no matching CDG file found'

Wonder if it's a setup thing but they work okay in Wincdg 2.52. They are original disks and and I just want to make it work - the sound quality difference between wav and MP3 is really noticeable (all my mp3 tracks are encoded at 192kb/s and from original disks and not downloaded)

I love the ability in Virtual DJ 2 to mix straight from Karaoke to Normal Song tracks whilst keeping perfect beat - something that could not be done before.

Don't get me wrong I think you guys have done a great job - I just want to help fine tune it so it suits my needs.

Thanks and any other suggestions please post.

My disks are 'Mr Entertainer' ones by the way if this helps.

That just sounds odd. Mine work fine also. There would have to be one *.mp3 file and an exactly matching *.cdg file. No other extensions will work to my knowledge...
For example:
aguilera, christina - the voice within.mp3
aguilera, christina - the voice within.cdg

Sorry if this doesn't help. Just trying.


It is odd....maybe it's a copy protection thing on Mr Entertainer disks?

Although they are okay on another PC Karaoke program....anyone else tried any original Karaoke disks okay (Especially Mr Entertainer ones)

MP3+G Works fine both off the hard drive and off CD and I can convert the original disks to MP3 and they work fine...weird eh?

what software did u use to convert your cdg disk to mp3g or are you trying to play the actual cd in vdj .......i use cdg ripper to convert my originals and works great just a lil slow though - about 15 minutes a cd and i still have about 600 more to go : (

Whe I rip them they are fie - it's just they don't work from original disks (and my dvdr is okay with cdg's)

It's just a really weird one...?

yeah vdj doesnt play cdg disk from the drive thats not supported yet

Did everyone just misread Sparkys first post or something.

"but now I find that on original Karaoke disks, it only recognises the audio track and not the .CDG file, although it plays MP3+G's okay. I need this to play original disks due to legalities here in the DVDR is a Plextor P708A and that is one of the few drives that does recognise .CDG tracks "

He said it was fine playing MP3+G but only a problem when he tried to use the original CD+G Discs.

To clarify, VDJ doesn't currently have the ability to read CD+G content straight from disc, only from MP3+G.

It'll come soone enough I think.

download Tricersoft CDG ripper demo
rip a cd as mp3+g
you can not play cdgs in the drive directly
U need to rip them first

Yes I need to just play original CDG's!

I can rip 'em okay but I am not risking going out to bars etc and not playing original disks.

The tricerasoft ripper is good and works fine it's just....can't VDJ recognise CDG audio disks?

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