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Sujet Time remain...

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HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006
WOuld it be possible to have an option when the remaining time on a track gets to lets say 20 seconds it starts to blink?

I thought I heard that the color of the wave can change when it gets close to the end but I never saw that.

The blinking time would be useful.


Posté Mon 16 Oct 06 @ 12:48 am
erxonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Hoffman wrote :
WOuld it be possible to have an option when the remaining time on a track gets to lets say 20 seconds it starts to blink?

I thought I heard that the color of the wave can change when it gets close to the end but I never saw that.

The blinking time would be useful.


The color change is a skin feature, but does not correlate to "time left", but "% of track left", because the scale of wave-display is always the same, while the length of tracks varies.

You could create yourself a blinking light that would correspond to the position with a "custom" element in skin SDK, and would start blinking at the certain % of track finished, but again you could not set the time.

Unless there are new functions available for skinning that I'm not aware of.


Posté Mon 16 Oct 06 @ 8:50 am
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Thanks E.

Posté Mon 16 Oct 06 @ 5:08 pm
thats a good idea Traktor has that a user definable time at which it blinks........

Posté Fri 20 Oct 06 @ 6:15 pm
DjGazUKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Yeah used to come in handy when I used to use Traktor, but now I mix songs better so looking out for the end isn't so important because the next one is always playing way before the last one ends.

Posté Thu 09 Nov 06 @ 1:35 am

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