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Sujet Video Camera To Buy For Live Video Feed

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Which ones? Edirol use to make and sell a low light Camera. I think it has been Discontinued. If i can find one. How do Connect the Hardware so the Software will pick it up? Any Suggestions on Brands and Connections?


Posté Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 4:48 pm
midnightmike wrote :
Which ones? Edirol use to make and sell a low light Camera. I think it has been Discontinued. If i can find one. How do Connect the Hardware so the Software will pick it up? Any Suggestions on Brands and Connections?


Edirol makes a small camera specially for low light club use.

Posté Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 9:26 pm
The Edirol Camera is Discontinued! I do Mobile Work.No Clubs. Most Rooms that i do Mobile are still dark.


Posté Fri 08 Dec 06 @ 2:22 am

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