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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: Can anyone help me?

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I have detect this problem.

I woud like if anyone had/has this problem.

Really, I am not sure if I have a hardware problem with my dj console or onother kind of Problem (configuration, drivers or firmware). It is possible that I need to send to hercules my audio card.

Sometimes It happens this. When the track in desk B (right) is playing and I am ready to mix, I push play/pause buttom to the deck A (left), to begin play the track. Then, when I push this buttom, suddenly track B stops to play and at the same time, key 3 (buttom of effects desk B) is activated. Sometimes happens exactly the opposite. When track in desk A is playing and I push Play/pause to stop it, then track in desk B begins to play. I have no idea about this.

Anybody can explain me this behavior.

Does anybody know how much time is the warrancy period?

Thanks to all.


Posté Fri 06 Aug 04 @ 11:39 pm
I sometimes have strange behaviour like this when I start to map buttons myself. I don't really know how to map buttons, so I usually screw up. I end up deleting the extra key I mapped and everything works normal again...

Did you map keys/buttons yourself?

This topic has been addressed in the french forum (someone had the exact same problem). It had something to do with one of the screws inside the DJConsole being too tight. He detailed how he fixed it here:

It's in french, but I (or someone else) can translate it for you if you are willing to try it out. It involves opening the DJConsole.



it should seem impossible that anyone had the same problem.

But, my new problem is " I do not speak french". I have already had enough with my english".

Please, please, macourteau, can translate for me.

Thanks, thanks......


1) retourner la console

= turn the console around

2) enlever les caches plastiques (5) pas celui du mileu ya rien

= take the (5) plastic bits away (there is nothing behind the one in the middle)

3) tirer le cache plastique doucement (connecteur attaché)

= take off the plastic cover gently ( deconnect connecteur )

4) enlever le connecteur (4 fils)

= take off the connecteur (4 screws)

5) enlever la vis qui tiens la platine electronique

= take off the screw who keeps the electronique (platine) together

6) Mettre soit de la colle dans le trou et revissé ou du papier autour de la vis

= put either some glue in the hole or some paper around the screw

7) visser cette putain de vis

= screw in this (f*ckin) screw

8) remettre le connecteur

= put back the connecteur

9) refermer le couvercle

= close the cover

10) revisser les 5 vis

= screw in 5 screws

11) remettre les p'tit caches plastiques

= put back the little plastic bits

12) Mixer lol

= and mix

Thank you very much, Ivar.

I am going to try to do it.

I will explain the results when I finish,

thanks again.


always glad to help

good luck


It's me who have the problem with the DJConsole !!
I'm happy because i'm not alone !!

baselgabar it's ok for you you have open your djconsole ???
Have you any problem ??


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