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Sujet VOB files ... Some Play, Some Don't. Codec Issues?

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John CPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I have several vob files that still will not play in VDJ.

These are from rips from a store bought DVD, such as concert footage or individual artist's DVDs, not promotional ones.

Some error out, some play at an incorrect (sluggish) sounding speed.

What troubles me the most is that when I rip these discs using DVD Decrypter some play, some don't from the same rip.

What would be the logic of this?

I located, and have downloaded Codec Pack indentified as "All In One" which has DivX, Xvid and a few other features.

Is this what I need?

And how would this be installed to work with VDJ?

Any other suggestions would be helpful.


Posté Thu 11 Jan 07 @ 3:48 pm
John CPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Sorry wrong forum.

I'll repost.

Posté Thu 11 Jan 07 @ 5:39 pm

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