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Sujet: Computer crashes when removing Hercules from USB

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Hi All,

I've bought the Hercules and am currently running the software that came with it (not full version). My VDJ works fine with no problems (well, none found so far) but my computer crashes whenever I remove the USB cord from my computer. I do the correct steps by closing down VDJ and then removing the USB cord but it always seems to crash and restart my computer. I thought maybe there is an icon in my system tray that would allow me to disconnect the USB device safely like other hardware that I got but there isn't such an option. Please help.

Dj Razor Raef

Posté Sun 15 Aug 04 @ 4:02 am
Can I please get a response to my problem from a tech support office?

Dj Razor Raef

Do you have the latest firmware and drivers for your DJConsole?

Razor Raef wrote: "Can I please get a response to my problem from a tech support office?"

Razor Raef, the Hercules DJ Console is obviously a Hercules product, so I don't think the technical team of Virtual DJ can help you there.

Your best hopes here is that someone recognises the problem you're having and know the anwer...

I've got the same problem on my other computer, on this one I can plug/unplug without probs. Both PC's have the latest drivers installed and firmware is also up to date. After a few months now I still haven't figured it out

Does it make any difference if you uplug it at the computer or at the console?

download the latest windos hotfix for hot-swapping usb devices.

these problems occur in very few pc's, and there is a microsoft fix. At least that worked for me.

Search google for the usb fix

Don't unplug usb devices when the computer is on.., this is true with many devices like webcams etc...

especially true when the hardware was being used..,


Answering everyone:

1) I have the latest firmware & drivers so this isn't an issue
2) It will crash the computer whether or not I remove it from the computer or console
3) I have the latest windows hotfix and every other update for windows
4) I've completed all hints listed here:

and to Bagpuss "Don't unplug usb devices when the computer is on.., this is true with many devices like webcams etc...
especially true when the hardware was being used..." This is very incorrect cause I have other hardware devices which don't have this issue. It's purely with the console.

And to top it all off, i've just discovered that the VDJ program crashed when I was scratchin 1 deck while playing another, this didn't happen before but it's just happened this once, but this isn't the greater issue at the moment, i'll deal with this later... can I please get a reply with a solution to my crash problem??

I know you want a straight answer right now, but as many of us don't have this problem, all we can do is put in a little bit of our own time to think along with you about this problem.

There's nothing in it for us, so please bear with us...

Another suggestion I would try is, use another usb port to plug it in. See if it makes a difference. Especialy when you've got a usb-hub or something.

Maybe this works... good luck.

Did you install Microsoft's USB fix?

I too have this issue.
Funny enough it did not happen on my first console.
Then a replacement (old on had problemtic buttons) has this problem.
I have tried 3 usb ports on Sony Vaio Laptop and all cause this.

since most of us dont have this problem, that makes me think this is a DRIVER issue...

so try:
- latest usb fix from microsoft (for usb hot swap)
- UNINSTALL hercules, reboot, and REINSTALL
- make sure you got the latest drivers/firmware (

also, some drivers might be damaged/changed in windows by other apps installed. Try reinstall all critical windows drivers by press "start" --> "run" --> and write : "sfc /scannow"
(System File Checker can be used to scan the system for damaged or missing system files)
WARNING: u need the original Windows CD to do this, and it will turn back any Service Packs that u have upgraded.



I don't now if this can be of any help, but 2 months ago I had the same problem, and the cause was that my OS registry (WinME) was a total mess :) and the system itself was not so stable - well, install/uninstall of drivers and garbage soft. = damage ;) - I've formatted the HD and now the DJ Console works perfectly, plugging and unplugging it as many times you want.

Ciao!! :)

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