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Sujet: Music Video's - A Call To Action! - Page: 1

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Hello everyone. I've been reading every post on where to get music video's besides buying discs from Promo, as well as researching online for download sites of VOB or MPEG2 videos only to come up empty handed.
I sent Promo Only an email which I've pasted below. Basically it asks them to set up a section of their site so that we can legally pay and download only those video's we need and want. I sent a copy of this email to each and every department head at Promo Only. However, for them to take this seriously, I need you all to get behind it by also emailing Promo Only and also spreading the message to other VJ's and VJ forums that you may know of or belong to. They are resistant to do this because it will take time and money, and it is easier for them to sell disc the way they currently do. However, if they are bombarded with requests by the paying public, perhaps they will see that there is a big enough demand to make it profitable for them, or on the other hand, how much profit they will lose if they fail to act quickly and another company comes along and is the first to provide us with what we want. I don't know if enough of you will bother to put in the effort, but I do know if we fail to act and make ourselves heard, then nothing will change. I don't even know If I've reached enough of you, but I have to try.
Here is the email I sent Promo:

I have started VJing this year and purchased 2 years worth of your DVD's and spent alot of money, only to find that there where only between 2 to 7 videos that I actually want or need on each disc. It also was very time consuming to have to rip each track off each disc.
Many of the other VJ's, including myself are looking for a legal place to download music video's in either .Vob or .Mpeg2 format. It would be great if you could set up a section of your site where we could only pay for and download the music video's we want. Say $ 1.50 a a video. Spending alot of money on a disc that only has a few useable or desireable songs on it isn't working for many of us and we will become loyal customers to the company that can provide what we need. As the leader in DJ music subscriptions, we hope this will be you.
Another concern many of us have is the fact that you are "getting rid of" your music video discs between the years 2000 - 2003. Is that true? If it is, why would you do that? Again, as a leader and main supplier in the industry, you should catalogue and make available all the music and music video's possible. There are many of us that need older video's as more and more of us transition into VJ's. Many of us want to do this legally by buying licensed video discs or the earlier mentioned download files, but if you remove or discontinue older inventory, many of us that need the video's may have no choice but to illegally download them off peer to peer networks in order to give our customers the music video's they want at their events.
I, and I'm sure all the other DJ's and VJ's who I've sent a copy of this message to on various forums, are looking for a leader in this new and untapped nich market which you can corner from the start if you are smart enough and quick enough to take action before all your competitors jump on the band wagon.
I eagerly await your reply and will post on all the forums for waiting customers.

Mike Cardamone
New York Party Productions

Posté Sun 04 Feb 07 @ 8:05 am
what email did you send it too? you should write up a generic one, and everyone can just copy & email it with their signiture. I'm sure we can get atleast 100. That should be enough to get there thoughts going.

I went to the "contact us" page on Promo and wrote the email, copy and pasted it to each department head listed on their contact us page.

I've always felt along those lines with Promo Only and they're subcription service.

Works well but like buying the artist's cd from the store, sometimes you only get about 2-3 usefull tracks/videos

Someway to play iTunes or other video purchasing sites would be good for this, because I can make better use of my money, by getting only the videos I want/need.

I sent the eMail as well

the reason they dont do a download service at Promo Only - legal. have talked to them about at length and it's not that there isnt a demand for it. they do recognize the demand. they just cant get around the legal issues involved with having a download service for videos.
personally i think a site that opens with video downloads with both clean and dirty vids for dj's is gonna make a fortune - if they can keep ahead or abreast of copyright laws.

wildcountryclub wrote :
the reason they dont do a download service at Promo Only - legal. have talked to them about at length and it's not that there isnt a demand for it. they do recognize the demand. they just cant get around the legal issues involved with having a download service for videos.
personally i think a site that opens with video downloads with both clean and dirty vids for dj's is gonna make a fortune - if they can keep ahead or abreast of copyright laws.

What about They do music & Video's...

They have to protect themselves legally, it they blow it they are done.
I don't know if you have ever heard of the Platinum Series. It was a DJ compulation series, and they had a brush with copy write laws a few years ago and it wasn't even their fault.
They compiled music for a 3rd party who as it turned out didn't have proper licensing to do so and it got ugly.
Video has a much different set of copy write laws to be dealt with.
Jim Robinson and Pete Werner are the only ones that will matter in that decision btw.

You have other options also.
Contact Doug Howard, they have mpeg2 available but its not down loadable and you only save the file tagging time.

Personally the ripping is easy and quick to .vob, the tagging is a chore I hate.
But I am tossing 2/3rds of what I get anyway, so that comes down to 15-20 tracks that I save. That is the nature of promotional music unfortunately, a specialty music service will cut that down some.

Another option is VMS media,
So if you are going to campaign this, do it to all of them so they can pressure the labels as a group also.

Its going to be a while if at all to see down loadable files, the controversy goes back for years now, its news to nobody. They are probably tired of hearing it imo.

The only way to protect themselves is to license each and every one of us and watermark the files with our license codes and that is not going to come cheap, it's going to cost you more, think about it. MPEG 2 already costs more per disc, and for what? To save tagging time?

I consider ourselves lucky that they haven't encoded or encrypted to prevent ripping.
What we are doing is technically illegal.
It's nice to have a master copy that has been played only once put away too.

As far as non currents go, believe it or not they might be doing you a favor.
I have spent many THOUSANDS on complete libraries that are now available at 1/12th cost in the classic recap series without the BS we never will play anyway.

I appreciate where you are coming from, but its pretty near impossible to achieve.
The best thing that has pushed the thought process is itunes video availability.
When they realize they can't stop technology and can legally make money at it things will change because they don't want to be behind the times/tunes,lol.
It won't because 100 signed letters appeared in the mail.

BTW, I would sign on with this, but my feelings stand that it will be fruitless.


mp3jrick wrote :
I don't know if you have ever heard of the Platinum Series. It was a DJ copulation series,...



Sorry Rick, I'm not laughing AT you, just at that mega-Freudian slip! =P

- VT ConQuest
(Visual Turntablist)

No what that was, was a typo and not paying attention to the spell check correction.
Glad you enjoyed that though, sort of throws a whole different meaning into it, because if you were a dj who bought it you couldn't technically use it making it a royal fkin.


mp3jrick wrote :
No what that was, was a typo and not paying attention to the spell check correction.

I figured either or, but it was still funny as heck! =P

mp3jrick wrote :
Glad you enjoyed that though, sort of throws a whole different meaning into it, because if you were a dj who bought it you couldn't technically use it making it a royal fkin.

Sorry Rick, I don't get what you mean by that. =(

Lost in transalation (cultural difference) or online text translation?

Or does "fkin" mean what I think it means and is just missing the "uc"?

mp3jrick wrote :
I don't know if you have ever heard of the Platinum Series. It was a DJ copulation series,...

As you quoted....Copulation is the act of sex.
So it changed the meaning to "I don't know if you have ever heard of the Platinum Series. It was a DJ copulation" or "Fkin", and yes you missed the uk.

As norway would say, "hehehe ;)".


I read the thread about htttp:// and their mpeg4 files. I'm not up to speed on all the video file types yet so maybe someone can breifly explain to me the quality from best to worst? As far as I know right now, .Vob is the highest quality (DVD quality) foillowed by Mpeg2 or .AVI and Mpeg1 is the lowest quality and most compressed file type. Where does Mpeg4 rank? I found a tool online called ImTOO Mpeg2 Mpeg4 Converter 2.1 that says it can convert Mpeg4 to Mpeg2. If Mpeg4 is smaller than Mpeg2, wouldn't it look crappy on a big screen since your expanding a compressed file which already has lost quality during compression, or is Mpeg4 a higher quality than Mpeg2? If I can use this tool to convert Mpeg4 to Mpeg2 and the quality is near .Vob, then paying $ 50.00/month to download what I need will work for me.

I found a definition on, but it didn't really answer my question. Someone else on that site asked what I want to know in a much briefer sentence: "What is the advantage of using MPEG-4? Which one has better video and sound quality, MEG-2 or MPeG-4? Can some one provide an answer? "

I've downloaded some of the vids from & the quality is acceptable but not the best. Plus some of the audio sounded like 96k on some of the tracks. I was kinda desipointed. Its about half of a .vob rip. But still acceptable if you don't have have the vid.

The whole "legal" issue of download videos is a bunch of crap and the labels know it, they just want to get the higher profits by forcing Promo Only to put a bunch of crap filler on the discs spreading the good videos out over several discs. It is not significantly easiers for the pirates to download and copy a video as it is to get the disc and copy it directly or rip it and rerecord it, All three ways are still 100% digital to digital with no loss in quality..........pirates will be pirates no matter what the copy protection scheme or watermark is (look at how many clubs you go into and see bad qualitiy videos playing with the MTV logo still on them they recorded from cable). If record/video publishers want to put a dent in piracy stop picking on the little guy legitimate user and go after the big chain clubs that purchase one copy of Promo Only (or Screen Play) and make dozens of copies for their other clubs and quit making it so difficult for us law abiding citizens to use your product, we want to pay a (reasonable) price for the videos but you make it so inconvenient sometimes it is not worth it at any price.

Ya dj-e-lectric,, Look @ the mp3 fiasco.. The industry when down kicking and screaming until they were bitch slapped into conceding…. is the only Dj Pool that allows Video Downloads as long as you leave feedback…. No different when the Record Pools gave us 12inch singles…. Ya ,, you get a lot of useless plastic laying around,, Dam thing didn’t even make good Frisbees…
It all evened out with the cash you spent to be in a Dj Pool……
When I get working again I’m signing up @ and get it well the getting’s good….. The paper work sucks but it’s the price you pay as Professional DJ’s to receive MP3’s & Music Video’s before the public…

In fact, I could see how our happy little home here with all it’s members would be vary attractive to the record labels and let Virtual DJ have it own MP3/Video Pool….

At A Discount.. =D-><

That's not a bad idea really. I think if we had a section dedicated to legally downloadable audio / video files, it would help us dj's with more usable content and help the record labels push their music. Serato is doing that with, but then there is the question of who would run it, how it would be run.. you get the idea. The feature that really keeps whitelabel legal is its ability to encode two different birate versions into one mp3 file. One low quality version for preview, and another high quality that is only accessable with Serato Scratch Live. That keeps all the newest music from being pirated. Only the dj's have access to the high quality files.

-Ed Files are ripped at “192 kbs or greater”…..

Napster, Yahoo and others sell them at only 128 kbs….

Not CD quality,, not a perfect digital copy and that probably how they get away with selling downloads…
