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Sujet questions simple questions...

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hello there, new here, i like the software thinking about buying but i want to know a few things, what mixers tts and what not are compatable ... what kind of sound card should i get ... and if i buy the hercules it says it comew with vdj3 can i update that to vdj4? thanks, LRBMX104 !

Posté Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 4:07 pm
You can use any mixer, any turntable. Since you seem to want to use TT, you need a sound card that has at least 4 inputs, and 4 outputs. Check around the forum to see what guys are saying about which one they use.

Posté Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 6:47 pm
cool cool thank youuu for the reply... ill check it out

Posté Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 2:04 am

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